


2010/5/21 9:18:26

符合标准 Standards metQC744/QC743-2008

控制系统 Control system:电脑控制,数据准确,操作简单;computer control, accurate data, easy to operate

    号 Model No.:BE-6045D
zui大压力 Maximum pressure:100KN;
力值解析度 Force value resolution: 1/100,000;
力值精度 Force value precision:≤0.5%;
位移解析度 Displacement resolution:          1/1000;
位移准确度 Displacement accuracy:          ≤0.5%;
单位转换 Unit conversion:Kg/N/Lb;
驱动方式 Drive mode:伺服电机驱动;servo motor drive
速度范围 Speed range: 0.001-500MM/MIN(特殊测试速度亦可依客户需求定制 with special test speed customizable according to the customer demand)
电池尺寸 Battery size:300 X 400 X 300MM;(DXH)(可按电池不同尺寸定做 customizable according to the different battery sizes)
使用电源 Power supply:             220V
软件功能 Software functions
1、双报表编辑Double report form edit:
   The complete open-type user edit report form provides the tester with a selection of preferred report form (the test procedure adds the built-in EXCEL report form function, which extends the former pattern of single professional report form).
2、各种单位可相互转换 Interconvertible units:
     The dynamic exchange mode is used for all length units (T, Kg, N, KN, g, lb), force units (mm, cm, inch) and digit display.
3、图形曲线多样化 Diversified graphs:
(1)尺度自动*化(Auto Scale),可使图形以*尺度显示。并可于测试中实时图形动态切换。
     The Auto Scale can display the graph in the best scale and dynamically switch the real-time graph during the test.
     Able to display the following graphs: load-displacement, load-time, displacement-time, stress-strain, load-2 point extension graph as well as comparison of the many curves.
   Able to output the test result in the EXCEL data form
    After completing the test, able to keep the test result on file automatically or manually; able to automatically calculate the maximum force, upper & lower yield strength, ring method, stepwise approximation method, non-proportional extension strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, the given extension strength and given load extension at a random point, elastic modulus, elongation rate, the maximum value, minimum value and average value at the peeling interval, net energy, total energy, flexural modulus, breakpoint displacement * load %, breakpoint load * displacement %, etc.; able to save the test data in any hard disk partition.
   Able to switch the following languages at random:
   Simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English
   The software has the historical test data presentation function.



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