










Max E. Russenberger,現代諧振式試驗科技之父,及高频疲劳試驗機的原型機发明人。
1.在三○年代末期,Max E. Russenberger先生首先接觸到這類的測試技術。後來,他成為儀器公司Alfred J. Amsler &Co.的資深主任工程師,在那裡他*設計諧振式測試系統,而獲致了世界性的成就。
2.在1964年,Max E. Russenberger成立了自己的事業。他新公司Z獨特的目標,在設計和製造動態材料試驗系統。而其Z主要的產品系列,便是高頻諧振式振動器,換言之,就是諧振式試驗機。
3.後來,之前在Amsler的同事Erwin Muller也加入了公司,成為事業上的夥伴。而RUMUL這個名稱,便是來自他們名字上的縮寫。
4.在1978年,Roland Berchtold接手公司經營。從此,公司正式名稱改為RUSSENBERGER PRUFMASCHINEN AG。但RUMUL的簡稱仍然繼續沿用。
諧振式試驗機的概念由Max E. Russenberger在1938年所創立。
在1995 Jurg Berchtold加入公司,負責軟體撰寫及產品開發
Roland Berchtold成功地改良了先前的系統觀念。目前的結構體在使用上可做泛用型的搭配,為零件測試方面開創了嶄新的契機。
2.動態荷重係由振盪系統 諧振器依自然頻率作動所生成。此一振盪系統包括砝碼及彈簧,而整個結構及測試試片也組成份子之一。
4.由於共振的結果,功率消耗非常低約20到500瓦特。工作頻率則是在 50 到 600 cps
1.此機器經常用於疲勞測試S/N-曲線,或是壞力學上,諸如預裂性或裂紋成長測試。 這是和伺服油壓機種比起來,這種裝備的優點。





Resonant Testing Maschine TESTRONIC


The concept of the resonant testing machine TESTRONIC is based on the latest possibilities in resonant testing machine engineering.
Many decades of experiences in devlopingmanufacturing of resonant testing machinesalso our continuous task to support our customers in their testing needs are the benefit .

The main application for a resonant testing machine are tests with a large number of load cycles. On the machine table with T-Nuts is possible to perform complicate test arrangements. The daylight of 500 mm between the columns allows the installation of a furnace, environmental or vacuum chamber.

Executions in steps of 50 / 100 / 150 / 250 kN


dynamic stroke:
static stroke / displacement:
operating frequency:
power consumption magnet:
power requirements:

up to 8 mm
up to 600 mm
40-300 Hz
< 500 Watt
230 V / 16 A
3000 kg


Measures of the TESTRONIC as PDF document:
TestronicMasse.pdf 18 KB

Resonant Testing Maschine VIBRO-FORTE


The resonant testing machine VIBRRO-FORTE is the latest development of RUMUL.
The design of the VIBRO-Forte 500 is based on a strict further development of the resonant system MAGNODYN. An ideal solution has be found to test long shape components like fasteners, reinforcement steel bars, etc.roundflat specimens. The changeable frequency range is between 50160 Hz depending on the stiffness of the specimen. Noteworthy is the low weight of a testing machine at this high capacity.

Executions 500 kN


dynamic stroke:
static stroke / displacement:
operating frequency:
power consumption magnet:
power requirements:

up to 4 mm
up to 600 mm
40-160 Hz
< 3 kW
400 V / 16 A
3400 kg


Measures of the VIBRO-Forte as PDF document:
VIBRO-Forte Layout 197 KB

brochure VIBRO-Forte 114 KB

company - portrait

the main interest of rumul is the developmentdesign of resonant testing systemsmachines for dynamic material testings. every single one of the staff of 10 employees is responsable for a properefficient progressing of the incoming ordersall the necessary services after the installation of the machines. todays material testing market indicates a trend to high qualityalso fast tests, which should also be very efficient with regards to the energy consumption. all these aspects cover the resonant testing systems from rumul.

”enlarge company building in neuhausen am rheinfall

rumul policy statement



company profile

the company profile is available as pdf document: company profile english 880 kb company profile german 880 kb company profile russian 2 mb


the rumul products - family

”enlarge vibro-forte”enlarge testronic”enlarge mikrotron”enlarge cracktronic
”enlarge upgrade - amsler
”enlarge swinger”enlarge upgrade - schenck
”enlarge rumul-software”enlarge fractomat”enlarge brake control 
resonant testing machines can stress specimens or structures with a dynamic load superimposed to a static load. the dynamic load is generated by an oscillating system resonator which runs in its natural frequency. the oscillating system consists of massessprings whereas the structure or the specimen which has to be tested is also part of.



  • it is the policy of the rumul company to achievemaintain a very high standard of design, manufacturing excellencecustomer satisfaction.
  • we aim to build customer confidence in the technical abilityhigh quality of our products.
  • we have due regard for our responsibilities to our employees, the societythe environment.
  • our performance cr-eates good value for our customersprosperity for our company.
  • the whole team at rumul stands to this declaration!
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Products Applications Videos Universal Material Testing Static Universal Testing Machines Dynamic Testing Systems Testing Systems Series LFV 1 - 600 kN Biaxial Testing Series LFV - T High Force Testing 3000 kN or higher Rotary Bending Testing Machines Digital Controller & Testing Software Accessories Customized Test Systems Pendulum Impact Testers PipePressure Testing Systems Shear Testing Device acc. EN 15340 Torsion Testing Machines Test Bar Dividing Machines Civil, StructuralArchitectural Testing Products Servo - Actuators Portal Load Frames Joints Hydraulic Power Packs Accessories Building Material Testing Cement Concrete Concrete PipeMasonry Bituminous Rock Mechanics Aggregats, Sands, Soils Laboratory Equipment WoodTimber Modernisations Hydraulic Testing Machines Electromechanical Testing Machines Second Hand Machines Universal Material Testing Building Material Testing Dynamic Testing Systems Series LFV - T Upgrading the test system with torsional performance with customized torsional moment, anglefrequency range.Dynamic Biaxial Testing SystemsThe Series LFV-T can torsion loading be coupled with tension-compression. Both torsiontension-compression can be loaded independently in phase or out of phase. With related accessories the LFV-T series of testing machines allows to perform a wide range of mixed-mode fatigue tests. Examples:Type LFV 100 kN - T 1''''''''''''''''000 NmType LFV 600 kN - T 20’000 NmApplications:Type LFV 5 kN - T 10 Nm for Testing of Implants in Salt [ Back ]



resonant testing maschine testronic

the concept of the resonant testing machine testronic is based on the latest possibilities in resonant testing machine engineering.
many decades of experiences in devlopingmanufacturing of resonant testing machinesalso our continuous task to support our customers in their testing needs are the benefit .

the main application for a resonant testing machine are tests with a large number of load cycles. on the machine table with t-nuts is possible to perform complicate test arrangements. the daylight of 500 mm between the columns allows the installation of a furnace, environmental or vacuum chamber.

executions in steps of 50 / 100 / 150 / 250 kn
enlarge picture of testronic
dynamic stroke:
static stroke / displacement:
operating frequency:
power consumption magnet:
power requirements:

up to 8 mm
up to 600 mm
40-300 hz
< 500 watt
230 v / 16 a
3000 kg


measures of the testronic as pdf document:
testronicmasse.pdf 18 kb

brochure testronic 1.1 mb
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resonant testing machine mikrotron

the resonant testing machine mikrotron is the smallcompact execution of the testronic, designed for smaller loads applicable to standard specimenscomponents. the t-nuts in the machine table allow to perform complicate test arrangements. the daylight of 500 mm between the columns allows the installation of a furnace, environmental or vacuum chamber.

the simplesuccessful machine concept is also available in horizontal design, e.g. for corrosion tests.

execution as 5 kn20 kn machine
enlarge picture of mikrotron
dynamic stroke:
static stroke / displacement:
operating frequency:
power consumption magnet:
power requirements:

up to 4 mm
up to 450 mm
40-250 hz
< 500 watt
230 v / 10 a
600 kg
measures of the mikrotron as pdf document:
mikrotronmasse.pdf 18 kb

brochure mikrotron 982 kb

resonant testing maschine vibro-forte

the  resonant testing machine vibrro-forte is the latest development of rumul.
the design of the vibro-forte 500 is based on a strict further development of the resonant system magnodyn. an ideal solution has be found to test long shape components like fasteners, reinforcement steel bars, etc.roundflat specimens. the changeable frequency range is between 50160 hz depending on the stiffness of the specimen. noteworthy is the low weight of a testing machine at this high capacity.

executions 500 kn
enlarge picture of vibro-forte
dynamic stroke:
static stroke / displacement:
operating frequency:
power consumption magnet:
power requirements:

up to 4 mm
up to 600 mm
40-160 hz
< 3 kw
400 v / 16 a
3400 kg
measures of the vibro-forte as pdf document:
vibro-forte layout 197 kb

brochure vibro-forte 114 kb


4.       主要技术要求

4.1      工作环境


         电压:     380V±10%或220V±10%

         频率:     50Hz±2%

         环境温度: 10℃~40℃

         湿度:     ≤90%

4.2      设备主要技术参数与功能


         JJG 556-1988 轴向加载疲劳试验机检定方法

         HB 5287-1996 金属材料轴向加载疲劳试验方法

         GB/T 6395-2000 金属材料疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验方法

         GB/T 4161-1984 金属材料平面应变断裂韧度KIC试验方法

         GB/T 2038-1991 金属材料延性断裂韧度JIC试验方法

4.2.1    主机

1)      电源峰值功率: ≤10 KW(含冷却和高温装置等外围装置);

2)      应配备相应的UPS不间断电源;

3)      有效试验工作空间   宽: >680 mm,深: > 860 mm;

4)      横梁移动范围:≥300mm;

★5)     单向zui大拉伸或压缩静态载荷:不小于±100kN;

★6)     zui大拉压交变载荷:不小于±50kN;

7)      动静态加载系统,适用于载荷0~100KN力值传感器应具有*的加速度动态补偿;

★8)     传感器静态精度:载荷范围内,不大于载荷示值的±0.5%;

★9)     传感器动态精度:载荷范围内,不大于载荷示值的±0.5%;

10)     频率范围:50~300Hz  频率可大于300Hz;

11)     下夹具与上夹具间zui大距离应:不小于700mm;

★12)    上下夹头同轴度:不超过±10%;

13)     位移测控精度:不大于示值的0.5%。

4.2.2    楔形夹具及附件


1)      平板试样试样厚度a: 0.2~20mm;

2)      圆形试样试样直径ф: 2~20mm。

4.2.3    室温螺纹夹具

1)      用于室温圆形螺纹接头试样;

2)      配置以下规格的内螺纹接头以满足同样规格外螺纹试样的使用:

         M8×1, M11×1, M14×1, M16×1, M22×1, M32×1;

4.2.4    金属材料疲劳裂纹扩展速率(da/dN)试验夹具及附件:应满足如下试样试验要求:


4.2.5    断裂力学CT(紧凑拉伸)试样夹具及附件:应满足如下试样试验要求:


4.2.6    应变引伸计及附件

★1)     静态精度:不大于示值的±0.5%;

★2)     动态精度:不大于示值的±1%;

3)      标距长度:25mm;

4)      应变范围:±10%。

4.2.7    位移型COD规 引伸计及附件

★1)     动态精度:不大于示值±0.5%;

2)      数据采集速率满足试验时的zui大试验频率要求;

3)      变形范围不小于±2.5 mm。

4.2.8    标准高温装置

         用于100℃~1200℃金属的高温疲劳试验。  加热炉

1)      采用对开式加热炉,不锈钢外壳;

2)      加热炉在机架空间内安装方便并留有足够空间;

3)      加热炉尺寸范围:长/宽/高分别为250~400mm/150~300mm/150~300mm;

4)      炉膛内径≥80mm

★5)     均热带长度≥50mm(均热带内的温度波动≤±5℃,温度梯度≤5℃);

6)      炉壳表面温度≤室温+50℃。  温度测控装置

★1)     温度测量精度≤±1℃,并且室温自动冷端温度补偿偏差≤0.50C;

2)      温度控制精度≤±1℃;

3)      升温的温度过冲≤5℃;

4)      独立的控制面板应简单明了,可进行手动、自动PID控温设置;

5)      可由计算机进行控制温度的设置和实时温度数据的采集和升温过程图线显示。  高温夹具

1)      与加热炉配套使用,用于高温下圆形螺纹接头试样和板材疲劳试样;

2)      配置M16内螺纹接头以满足同样规格外螺纹试样的使用;

3)      配置相应夹具以满足厚度0.5~2mm板材试样的使用;

4)      高温试验时,应保证试验和设备的安全正常进行,如需要进行夹具连接件的冷却,应具有循环水冷却系统。


4.3      主要功能

4.3.1    设备的测控及采集系统应具有完整的和功能齐备的相关软硬附件,具有载荷、位移、应变控制方式;

4.3.2    横梁位置手动快、慢速调节功能;

4.3.3    横梁速度任意设定功能;

4.3.4    试验时横梁可适时锁紧,否则试验时应有相应的保护设置;

★4.3.5   设备可通过计算机*的应用软件自动和手动自动控制调节相关参数,如系统的增益、相位、反馈响应、激励等参数,以产生*的试验频响效果;

4.3.6    由计算机进行闭环数字化智能控制和采集,运行于稳定的WINDOS/XP平台,多种控制模式(载荷、位移、应变、函数)在线自动转换,带有单独的远端控制面板;

4.3.7    软件应具有自动标定试验机精度、自动调零、实时显示力值(应力)、变形量、应变和计算量等动态信息;

4.3.8    达到预定条件或保护状态时,具有自动存储试验数据并安全停机等功能;

4.3.9    有各种试验方式断裂或失效判据的安全停止以及暂停功能;

4.3.10   测试数据及结果应采用单位,并可与其他工程单位自动转化;

4.3.11   试验数据存储、检索及统计分析功能;

4.3.12   试验数据可在*网络上进行传输和共享,并可进行*的远程测控;

4.3.13   支持用户自定义公式输入模式,软件有在线帮助和版本升级功能;

4.3.14   用户能根据测试要求,方便精确设定测试实时的静态动态载荷、位移、循环次数、测试频率及应变量等多个参数,并实时显示动态测试数据和曲线;

4.3.15   测试软件可以自动生成测试结果,统计分析的测试报告,自动存储测试数据结果,并能可与相应的第三方数据处理应用软件如EXCEL等传输共享;

4.3.16   有紧急制动开关,用于安全控制;

4.3.17   操作采用人机对话方式,界面采用中文或英文。


4.4      设备配置及附件

4.4.1    主机1套。

4.4.2    楔形夹具及附件1套。

4.4.3    室温螺纹夹具1套。

4.4.4    金属材料疲劳裂纹扩展速率(da/dN)试验夹具及附件1套。

4.4.5    断裂力学CT(紧凑拉伸)试样夹具及附件1套。

4.4.6    应变引伸计及附件1套。

4.4.7    位移型COD规 引伸计及附件1套。

4.4.8    标准高温装置1套。






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