SPE Cartridge Vacuum Manifolds
今天,艾杰尔-飞诺美作为丹纳赫集团Life Science Platform的一员,将始终以DBS(Danaher Business System)为核心保持着创新驱动,在基于色谱分离技术领域与每一位色谱工作者携手同心,助力各类罕见病、癌症药物和疫苗等生物制剂的加速研究和临床试验,以此改善人类的健康生活;
Features & Benefits:
Inert system manufactured from glass and polypropylene
Disposable needles eliminate cross contamination
Simple vacuum adjustment
Clear view of sample processing operation
Compatible with the industry standard Luer tipped SPE columns
Multiple rack options
Engineered to increase laboratory productivity, the corrosion-resistant Agela SPE Manifolds allow simultaneous processing of up to 24 SPE cartridges. The manifold's clear glass base allows monitoring of the entire sample collection process, and its compact design requires little benchtop space.
Sturdy construction:
The vacuum-control valve, vacuum gauge, and quick-release valve are mounted away from the corrosive solvent stream. The solvent-resistant polypropylene rack is available in a variety of sizes to accommodate the collection tubes commonly used in sample preparation.
Freedom from sample contamination:
To minimize the risk of sample carry-over, low-cost, disposable, medical-grade polypropylene delivery needles can be easily replaced. The long drip director ensures a direct path into the collection tube.