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莱克生产的进口杠杆浮球式疏水阀,驱动方式可选用自动,连接方式可选用内螺纹、法兰,结构形式可选用硬密封,密封结构可选用,压力范围PN1.6-100MPA,公称通径为DN15MM-500MMmm,材质可选用铸钢、不锈钢。由于阀门的使用范围非常的广泛,同一种阀门在不同的场合与工况有不同的搭配,如果您是非专业人士,欢迎您向本公司。本公司有专业技术人员为您服务!技术部: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
产品详情 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
德国莱克(LIK)品牌:进口杠杆浮球式是利用浮力原理和杠杆原理,通过液位的变化使浮球上升或下降,浮球驱动着杠杆使得阀瓣离开或接触阀座达到开启排水和关闭阻汽的作用。采用自动排空气阀,能自动排除不凝结气体,非常灵敏,工作质量高,使用寿命长。连续排水,有水即排,zui小过冷度为 0℃。杠杆浮球式疏水阀采用两种结构方式 A:单阀座-杠杆浮球; B:双平衡阀座-杠杆浮球。 单阀座:需要克服介质压力对阀座的作用,阀座的孔径不能很大,适用于小型设备、伴热管线,蒸汽主管等排水小的场合。阀座孔设计在凝结水水位以下,自然形成水封,水、汽自然分离,达到无蒸汽泄漏,即便没有凝结水采用球型密封的杠杆使得阀瓣紧贴阀座,达到无新鲜蒸汽的泄漏。不受凝结水量波动和温度的影响。 双平衡阀座:该阀利用双阀孔设计,介质的压力对两个阀座作用相等,方向相反,介质压力对阀座作用相抵消,阀芯在开阀时压力相对减少,从而获得超大排量。工作时浮球随阀腔内液体位的变化而上下浮动,带动杠杆打开或关闭阀座。由于阀座孔在凝结水水位以下,形成水封,水、汽自然分离,达到无蒸汽泄漏。不受压力、温度、冷凝水流量波动的影响。
Lever-ball float trap The lever-ball float type trap employs the buoyancy and leverage principles: to make the ball float ascend or descend by the change in the liquid level and then the ball float drives the lever to make the valve disc depart from or touch the valve seat to realize drainage and close the block vapor. The product adopts the automatic air exhaust to automatically eliminate non-condensing air. It is very precise with high operating quality and long service life. It can discharge whenever there is any water, and its minimum subcooled temperature is 0℃. The lever- ball float trap adopts two kinds of structure modes: A: Single valve seat-lever ball float; B: double balanced valve seat-lever ball float. Single valve seat: it needs to overcome the operation on the valve seat by the medium pressure; the hole caliber of the valve seat cannot be too large and is applicable to such low displacement condition as mini-equipment, steam tracing pipeline and steam main pipe. The hole of the valve seat is designed beneath the water level of the condensate water to form water sealing to keep water apart from vapor, so as to prevent the leakage of the vapor. Though there is no condensate water that uses ball-type sealed lever to make the valve clack tightly adhesion to the valve seat, it can prevent the fresh vapor from leakage. Further, the product is free of the affect of the fluctuation of the condensate water’s quantity and temperature. The double balanced valve seat: this valve is designed to have two valve openings. The pressure of the medium act against the two valve seats equally in reverse direction, so the pressure on the valve seat is offset, the valve core assumes relatively low pressure when the valve is open, in this way the overlarge displacement is obtained. During the operating process, the ball float floats with the change in liquid level of the valve cavity to make the lever open or close the valve seat. The hole of the valve seat is designed beneath the water level of the condensate water to form water sealing to keep water apart from vapor, so as to prevent the leakage of the vapor. Further, the product is free of the affect caused by the fluctuation of pressure, temperature and condensate’s flow.
优点: 1、采用新型阀机构(新 SCCV 关闭方式和Z型结构),具有优良的密封性和耐久性。 2、双平衡阀座设计,比一般的疏水阀体积小而排量大,在特大排量场合更能发挥*性。 3、单阀座设计可以水平或垂直安装,可以满足高背压,低排量蒸汽管线。 4、内装空气自动排放阀,可防止空气气堵和蒸汽汽锁。 5、全部部件安装在阀盖上,阀无需从配管上卸下,就可维修保养,简单方便。
Merits 1. To use new-style valve mechanism (new SCCV closing mode and Z-shaped structure) to boast excellent tightness and endurance. 2. To employ double balanced valve seat design, it has smaller volume and larger displacement and can exert its advantages when needing large displacement. 3. The single valve seat model can be installed horizontally and vertically, satisfying the requirements of steam pipeline with high backpressure and low displacement. 4. The built-in automatic air exhaust can prevent air blocking and steam locking; 5. As all components are installed on the valve cover, so they can be maintained and cleaned up simply and easily without being removed from pipe arrangement.
技术参数/Technique parameter
主要零件材料/The materials of primary accessories
当前位置:首页 >> 企业简介 德国莱克集团成立于1972年,总部位于巴伐利亚州的Burghausen,是一个集工程及阀门生产于一体的企业,为客户提供专业的过程自动化及控制设备等解决方案。一直以来,莱克集团稳步发展,经过三十多年的积累,莱克集团已经迈入了化公司的行列。如今莱克集团在欧洲和亚洲有若干个分公司,并拥有数间生产产品和系统的子公司。
莱克(LIK)阀门是德国莱克集团旗下及注册商标,三十多年来,以其的品质和服务取得了数以万计的用户的信赖及支持。所涉及的行业包括化工、石化、电力、环境、生物科技、制药、食品、有色金属、钢铁以及其他工业领域。 德国莱克LIK)阀门于1995年通过DIN EN ISO 9001 质量管理体系认证,之后又通过了CE认证,TA-Luft认证,因此可以保证莱克(LIK)阀门向客户提供高品质的阀门,也因此能够进入世界阀门高精尖技术市场的竞争者之列。 1999年,莱克(LIK)阀门设立了现代化的铸造厂并开始运行。这个铸造厂涵盖了所有阀门所需的高质量的铸件,并能降低成本和提供环保的产品。现在,德国莱克(LIK-VALVE)阀门已经在世界各地都拥有经销商及代理商,并为众多的用户提供了产品及服务。
继承了德国传统的苛刻的制造精神,我们力求每一个环节都做到精益求精,所以我们的质保系统渗透到每一个工序,确保每个工人用到的是的零配件,这是我们发展的根本。 基于莱克(LIK)阀门业务在中国的发展和壮大,莱克集团于2000年在广州设立了*个办事处,同年在香港设立亚洲总部-莱克集团亚洲有限公司。2000年设立了广州分公司,为国内客户提供更方便快捷的服务。同时莱克集团在中国的员工全部需要不定期的送到德国总部进行培训,因此他们能够运用*的技术为国内客户提供高品质的服务。 一直以来,为用户量身定做,提供我们zui有竞争力的莱克(LIK)阀门解决方案是我们的目的和行动指南。我们*关注市场并贴近客户,您*可以信赖我们莱克(LIK)阀门品牌,及其专业的技术服务团队。我们的战略是集中优势满足当地客户的需求。 我们相信莱克(LIK)阀门能够为客户提供的价值!