tissuegrowth lumegen 三维血管培养系统,3D血管培养系统
代理商世联博研(北京)科技有限公司(Bio Excellence International Tech Co.,Ltd)简称为世联博研。世联博研是一家集进口科研仪器代理销售以及实验技术服务于一体的技术公司。世联博研专注生物力学和3D生物打印前沿科研设备代理销售及科研实验项目合作服务,内容涵盖了血管力学生物学、生物力学建模仿真与应用、细胞分子生物力学、组织修复生物力学、骨与关节生物力学、口腔力学生物学、眼耳鼻咽喉生物力学、康复工程生物力学、生物材料力学与仿生学、人体运动生物力学等生物力学研究以及生物材料打印、打印样品生物力学性能测试分析的前沿领域科研利器和科研服务。
Lumegen型号体外三维血管应力加载培养系统(Pulsatile Pressure & Flow Bioreactor) 是一种全新设计的血管体外应力培养装置。该系统为体外完整的血管器官提供搏动、压应力培养刺激三维机械力刺激培养环境,可长时间进行体外血管应力刺激三维培养,使血管存活较长时间,可分别调节压力与切应力大小,控制定常流与脉动流等血液动环境.为血管生物力学和血管组织工程学的研究提供一种更有效的实验手段。
1. 培养腔重量轻,结构紧凑,耐腐蚀可联用二氧化碳培养箱进行长期培养
2. 培养腔室可进行高压灭菌
3. 多通道灌注动力泵,可通行运行6个腔室
4. lumegen 200mmHg搏动刺激和压力传感器保证了血管力值
5. 培养腔容积只有60毫升,节省了大量的营养液与昂贵的生长因子
6. 用户可定义的zui符合生理条件幅度的正弦压力波
7. 计算机控制贯流泵可以调节搏动和压力的大小
8. Growthworks软件控制的计算机系统可以实时绘制波形图
9. 聚碳酸酯窗户可拆卸,便于查看和激光测量千分尺
10. 培养腔室可更换不同的夹具,以适应不同的样品直径
11. 多波形控制,数据采集和多电机运行
1.1.FX-5000T体外细胞拉应力加载培养系统(tension system)
1.2.FX-5000C细胞组织压应力加载培养系统(compression system)
1.3.FX-5000TT细胞组织三维拉应力加载培养系统(Tissue train culture system)
1.4.STR-4000流体剪切应力加载刺激系统(FlexFlow™ and Streamer® Fluid Shear Stress Systems)
1.1、1.2、1.3 三系统可以共用一套电脑软件系统,组合一个大平台。
各系统介绍请见,http://www.bioexcellenceint。。com/flexcell.html 网页。
2、德国Rszelltechnik 单细胞应力加载、形变测量与力特性分析系统
3、美国ActiveLife品牌 活体骨组织参考点压痕测试分析系统
5、美国Tissue growth品牌体外三维组织(血管、软骨、骨组织、心脏膜瓣、皮肤)应力加载培养系统
7、意大利SKE 品牌与德国Minucell&minutissue 品牌细胞组织多通道三维灌流培养系统
BISS's series of bioreactors provide mechanical stimulation to three dimensional tissue engineered constructs to create physiological conditions in-vitro. The patented LumeGen & CardioGen systems (US Patent # 7348175) impart pulsatile flow and pressure to a vascular conduit. Applications include the investigation of cell function and differentiation, pharmaceutical benchtop testing, and the seeding and growth of engineered tissues and medical devices.
The LumeGen bioreactor chamber creates pulsatile and shear stress stimulation for a single vascular construct. Standard construct sizes may range from 2 to 6mm inner diameter and from 10 to 60mm in length. The modular design facilitates scaffold installation and cell seeding separate from the stimulation system. Multiple ports are available for media access, catheter probe insertion, sample collection, or further instrumentation. The autoclavable chamber has a volume of 60mL. Additional chamber features include:
Design:Polycarbonate removable windows for easy viewing and laser micrometer measurementSize:90mm(3.6”)L x 46mm(1.6”)W x 20mm(0.8”)DPorts:5
The LumeGen chambers use barbed stainless steel fittings with an elastic clamp to immobilize the construct. Standard barb sizes accommodate .8, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6mm lumen internal diameters and are interchangeable using a universal connector system.
The CardioGen bioreactor chamber accommodates pulsatile and shear stress stimulation for a single valve construct. Standard construct sizes may range from 9 to 21 mm inner diameter and from 50 to 80 mm long. Grip placement can accommodate both pulmonary valves with straight downstream vessels and aortic valves with angled downstream vessels. The modular design facilitates scaffold installation and cell seeding separate from the stimulation system. Multiple ports are available for media access, catheter probe insertion, sample collection, or further instrumentation. The autoclavable chamber has a volume of 430 mL. Additional chamber features include:
Design:Polycarbonate hinged windows for easy viewing and laser micrometer measurementSize:145mm(5.7”)L x 105mm(4.15”)W x 74mm(2.9”)DPorts:6
CardioGen chambers use barbed stainless steel fittings and either sutures or clamps to fix the construct in place. Standard barb sizes range in size from 9 to 21 mm and are interchangeable using a universal connector system.
The LumeGen bioreactor system includes the 6Vr pulsatile pressure mechanical stimulator. The 6Vr stimulator features a 40N linear motor that is compact, corrosion resistant and incubator compatible. The stimulator employs pressure control to deliver user defined sinusoidal or physiological pressure waveforms to a maximum pressure of 200 mmHg. The 6Vr is integrated with a computer controlled mean flow pump and is capable of low or high-flow configurations. The flow rate of the mean flow pump is automatically altered to maintain the desired mean pressure within the heart valve. The stimulator dimensions are as follows:
Size:152mm(6.0”)H x 102mm(4.0”)W x 102mm(4.0”)DWeight:2.1kg (4.6lb)
The GrowthWorks Software and Control platform includes advanced capabilities, such as multiple waveform control, data acquisition and multi-motor operation. The intuitive software runs on a Windows? laptop computer and features a simple user interface. User defined stimulation profiles are controlled by the software and are readily monitored using graphical displays. Integrated data acquisition routines capture and record data at user prescribed intervals. The GrowthWorks Software is configurable for running four stimulators while simultaneously monitoring up to 16 transducers, allowing the researcher maximum flexibility.
The GrowthWorks Control Hardware features an embedded In CPU, integrated data acquisition and integrated motor drives. Communications between the laptop and control hardware is transmitted over a standard network cable. Primary advantages of the TGT Laptop/Controller approach are reduced physical size and easy upgradability. As future Windows versions or higher performance Laptops become available, either can be replaced without any software or controller changes. This ensures the GrowthWorks control system will be an integral part of your research for many years to come.
The GrowthApps modules provided added capability to GrowthWorks. The addition of the Stiffness Measurement & Adaptive Control Application enables the system to make real-time measurements of the sample stiffness during culture. Described in U.S. Patent 7,410,792 B2 Instrumented bioreactor with material property measurement capability and process-based adjustment for conditioning tissue engineered medical products., the Application measures the mechanical response of the tissue construct as it is being stimulated and conditioned. The stiffness measurements can be used as guidelines for bench marking progress during culturing or for modifying the stimulation profile. Based upon the measured response, the bioreactor system is then capable of altering the stimulation profile. This technology enables researchers to automatically culture the tendon or ligament from initial seeding to an implantation-ready state with minimal operator intervention.
LumeGen bioreactorc configurations range from a single chamber to an integrated six chamber system. The 1V system is a single chamber design that is able to support basic pulsatile pressure and shear stress experiments. Optional features can be added including laser micrometers, pressure sensors and other transducers. The LumeGen 6Vc system integrates up to six chambers,individual reservoirs, pumps and stimulator onto a frame that can be easily placed into an incubator. Individual flow loops are provided for each chamber. The table below describes the features of the 1V and 6Vc systems.
VASCULARKey: S=Standard, A=Available, - = not availableCHAMBERS1V6VcIndividual vascular growth chamberSS6 parallel vascular growth chambers-SSample grips for 3, 4, 5, 6 mm lumen diameterSSExternal lumen instrumentation ports per chamber33Internal lumen instrumentation ports per chamber22O-ring style sample fixationAAPatent pending grip lock during sample handlingSSLumen/ablumen volume isolators/reducers for scaffold seedingAA
STIMULATION Static pressure control (200 mm Hg peak pressure)AAPulsatile pressure control (sinusoidal)ASPulsatile pressure control (physiological content, user defined waveform)ASAxial distension stimulationAA
CONTROLS Controller software, computer, and monitorSSPower supplies and cablingSSMean cell culture media flow controlASDynamic cell culture media flow controlAS
TISSUE MONITORING Non-contact radial or axial distension measurementAANon-contact flow sensorsAACatheter pressure transducersAA
ACCESSORIES Media reservoirSSIncubatorAA
BENEFITS All-autoclavable componentsSSExcellent sample visibilitySSMedia change without opening reservoir via luer fittingsSSEasy rotisserie cell seeding owing to cylindrical chamber frameSSLight weight design for easy handlingSSTransparent opposing bioreactor walls for optical inspection or measurementSSCompact design to fit in standard incubatorsSSEasily cleaned surface finishesSS100% satisfaction guaranteed warrantySS