037377 BUCHI 步琦 300ml消化管 4根装
瑞士步琦公司BUCHI Labortechnik AG在旋转蒸发技术的市场占有很大地位,并且在中压分离纯化制备色谱,平行浓缩,喷雾干燥仪和冷冻干燥仪,熔点仪,凯氏定氮和萃取仪以及实验室/在线近红外等方面是市场主要的供货商。瑞士步琦公司成立于1939年,并在同年推出旋转蒸发仪,有效地解决了化学实验室中有机溶液的快速回收问题。步琦公司以每年推出1台新仪器的步伐充分保持了产品开发,制造和应用的优势,我们相信:通过我们步琦公司提供的高质量的产品和优质的服务,我们能给广大的客户在研究开发创新和生产上提供强有力的支持。
BUCHI is a leading world-wide supplier in key technologies such as evaporation and separation for research laboratories as well as near infrared spectroscopy and reference methods for quality control purposes. Our goal is to sustain a high level of competence in product development, manufacturing and application around these technologies. We believe that providing high quality products and responsive service will support the innovation and effectiveness of our customers.