Systec VX-series autoclaves/德国Systec立式高温高压灭菌器
- zui大压力/max. pressure = 4 bar
- 操作温度范围/operating temp. range = 60-140℃
- 腔体温度范围/chamber working temperature range = -10oC-140℃
- 操作时间范围/sterilizarion time = 0-9999min
*- 内置蒸汽发生装置,压力腔体不带电加热金属/built-in steam generator separated from sterilization chamber
*- 温度精度/temperature precision = 0.1℃
- 压力精度/pressure precision = 1 mbar
- 保温温度范围/warm keeping temperature = 40 - 80oC
- 带外部蒸汽供应连接口/Connection to external steam supply
*- 25个灭菌程序 = 1-3 固体灭菌/4-5 废弃物灭菌/6-7 废液灭菌/8-11液体灭菌/12清洗/13 B-D测试程序/14真空测试程序/15-25 自设程序(25 sterilization programs = 1-3 solid /4-5 waste /6-7 liquid waste /8-11 liquid /12 cleaning/13 B-D test/14 Vacuum test/15-25 Free programs)
*- 高达500个灭菌周期数据存储/Internal memory documentation for up to 500 sterilization cycles
- 触摸屏操作系统/Touch Screen operation
- 可设置灭菌结束自动开盖/Pre-programmable automatic door opening at the end of a program
*- 蒸气排放前经Pt100调节系统控制自动冷凝,避免排水管道接触高温/exhaust steam is condensed before drainage via Pt100-regulated cooling system
*- 标配独立样品温度探头/flexible medium temperature sensor PT-100
*- 液体灭菌后保温功能/Temperature holding function after the end of program for liquids
- 隔热门盖/heat-resistant lid
- 监控系统识别失败程序/program failure warning
- 自动补水装置/automatic water refill
- 蒸气发生器无水警报/low water level warning in steam generator
- RS232/RS485/USB 计算机接口及局域网接口/RS232/RS485/USB&Ethernet interface
- 压力安全阀/safety pressure valve
*- F0值计算功能/Calculation of F0
*- 温度及压力双重控制/sensor for temperature and pressure control
*- 抗腐蚀AISI 316 TI 不锈钢外壳及腔体结构/corrosion resistant-AISI 316 TI stainless steel housing & chamber frame
- 具备认证口/validation port
- 安全标准文件/international standard safety documents
- 针对生物污染性物质灭菌,可配置HEPA高效分子过滤器,确保操作者及操作环境的生物安全性/HEPA filter for Bio-hazard application
l 内置独立蒸汽发生器
l 配置HEPA高效分子过滤器
l 具备认证口及安全标准文件
l 标配独立样品温度探头Pt100
- 立式上开盖式进样/Vertical loading
l 抗腐蚀AISI 316 TI 不锈钢外壳及腔体结构