- 公司名称
- 北京中科环试仪器有限公司
- 经营模式
- 生产厂家
- 所在地区
- 北京 北京市
- 主营产品
- 盐雾腐蚀试验箱/高温试验箱/恒温恒湿试验箱/紫外光老化试验箱/鼓风干燥箱/振动试验机
- 产品数量
- 764条
◆电热恒温鼓风干燥箱/精密型干燥箱/真空干燥箱/热空气消毒箱/ 400℃烤箱/500℃烤箱
◆IP1X~IP6X (防尘):IP1X~IP4X防尘试具/IP5X~IP6X沙尘(砂尘)试验箱
◆IPX1~IPX8 (防水):IPX1~IPX2滴水试验装置/ IPX3~IPX4摆管淋雨试验设备/ IPX5~IPX6强冲水试验设备/ IPX7短时间浸水/ IPX8压力浸水试验设备
Beijing Zhongke Ring test Apparatus Co., Ltd. is a test equipment test equipment specialized in the development, production,the company is located in convenient transportation, industrial prosperity of the Beijing Daxing Industrial Development Zone. Since the establishment of carefully refined to improve every step of the testing procedures, strict product every step of the process, the pursuit of perfect quality hundred percent. Relying on the enterprise's own personnel, technology, capital of scientific research, military, aviation, aerospace, electronics, automobile, petroleum, chemical, medical, communications, institutions and other enterprises, to provide consistent GB, GJB, IEC, MIL, DIN various criteria such as test equipment and testing instruments, and according to the needs of the user design and manufacture various types of non-standard professional equipment.
The company has consistently adhered to the "people-oriented, technology-oriented principles"! With strict management tools and excellent quality to provide our clients the highest quality products, caring customer's vital interests, and thoughtful service improvement of the customer's development and reliable support . Adhering to the "brand underlines the strength, quality casting brilliant" business idea, as always, new and old customers to provide the most professional and reliable products and services, establish a "ring test in the subjects" brand! For the convenience of our customers are able to provide all aspects of the pre-sale consulting, after-sales service, the company in the country with offices in major key cities, sincerely for your service!
Products: Salt Spray Test Chamber/sulfur dioxide chamber/high temperature chamber/low temperature/constant temperature and humidity chamber/low temperature test chamber/high and low temperature/alternating high and low temperature/high temperature heat chamber/alternating high and low temperature heat chamber/temperature shock chamber/UV aging chamber/xenon arc lamp weather resistance test chamber/ozone aging chamber/ventilation aging chamber/chamber dust/rain chamber/swing control rain test equipment/test equipment drip/shaking table/vibration test machine/drying oven/hot oven/vacuum oven/carbon dioxide incubator/mold incubator/Hot-air Sterilizer/low temperature incubator/pharmaceutical stability chamber/anti-rust oil chamber/large salt spray test chamber/large low temperature test chamber/large-scale high-temperature testing laboratory
- 会员
- 初级会员第16年
- 基本信息
- 总人数20-100人,年销售额:
- 品牌
- 中科环试
- 公司名称
- 北京中科环试仪器有限公司
- 注册资本
- 人民币500万元
- 注册号
- 91110115562115539N
- 登记机关
- 北京市工商行政管理局大兴分局
- 营业期限
- 2010年09月08日-2030年09月07日
- 注册地址
- 北京市大兴区滨河街27号
- 成立日期
- 2010年09月08日
- 法人代表
- 唐翠蓉
- 企业类型
- 经营范围
- 销售机械设备、电子产品、金属材料;技术开发、咨询、服务、转让;维修环境检测设备、(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)