安捷伦氘灯 5190-0917替代氘灯
面议德国贺利氏 Agilent 1100/1200DAD 替代氘灯
面议供应 Agilent1100/1200VWD长寿命氘灯
¥27Thermo-Finnigna LC氘灯
The Waters® rformance Maintenance Kit for the 2487 Dual Wavelength Absorbance Detector/2488 Multichannel Absorbance Detector/ACQUITY TUV Detector (through serial number K05UPT699N) contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your detector orating at ak rformance. The kit also contains a detailed maintenance protocol, including calibration and diagnostic tests to ensure pror installation and function, and a rformancePLUS™ Long Life Lamp which is warranteed for 2000 hours or 1 year, whichever comes first.