德国Immunodiagnostik www.immundiagnostik.com 主要产品系列: 1.试剂盒/测定(Kits/Assays) 抗衰老/预防医学(Anti-Aging/Preventive Medicine) 心血管及肾脏系统(Cardiovascular and Renal System) 临床免疫学(Clinical Immunology) 生育(Fertility) 胃肠道学/营养学(Gastroenterology/Nutrition) 肿瘤学(Oncology) 骨骼系统(Skeletal System) HPLC应用(HPLC Applications) 分子生物学(Molecular Biology) 2.免疫化学(Immunochemicals) 抗体(Antibodies) 抗原(Antigens) Immundiagnostik is mainly engaged in the development, production and sale of in-vitro-diagnostics and immunochemicals for routine and research. We are specialized in new innovative immunoassays and other analytical methods, e.g. HPLC, in different fields of medical laboratory diagnostics and medical research. We have distributors in more than 30 countries. Many contacts have been established to research groups in the course of contractual participation in studies. Collaborations with the pharmaceutical industry and membership in scientific bodies form the foundation for a successful development of products. We concentrate on the development and production of laboratory diagnostics Our portfolio consists of Our product range is completed by
产品相关关键字: Immunodiagnostik Immunodiagnostik公司 |
- Worthington Biochemical/美国
- Trilink
- 其他品牌
- QuickZyme Biosciences
- Research Diets
- Cygnus Technologies
- polysciences
- Boston Biochem
- Crystal Chem
- Enzyme Research
- BioporTo/丹麦
- ethosbiosciences
- beyotime/碧云天
- JCRB Cell Bank
- Edwards/英国爱德华
- GlycoTech/美国
- Minerva Biolabs
- Medisafe
- Vitrolife
- Biotech
- Genview
- Peninsula/美国