MegaScreen® FLUOVET Product line | 检测对象 | Catalog No | Format | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluoana HEp2 Testkit for the detection of antinuclear IgG in DOG serum | 狗核因子 | 680 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluoanaplasma ph Testkit for the Detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum IgG antibodies in DOG(D) and HORSE(H) serum | 嗜吞噬细胞无形体 | 725 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluobabesia caballi Testkit for the detection of Babesia caballi IgG antibodies in HORSE serum | 驽巴贝斯虫 | 824 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluobabesia c. Testkit for the detection of Babesia canis IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 犬焦虫 | 822 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluobabesia g. Testkit for the detection of Babesia gibsoni IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 吉布松氏焦虫 | 829 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluobabesia m. Testkit for the detection of Babesia microti IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 田鼠巴贝虫 | 827 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluobartonella h. testkit for detection of Bartonella henselae IgG antibodies in CAT serum | 猫巴尔通体 | 690 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluoborrelia canis Testkit for the detection of Borrelia sensu lato IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 狗伯氏疏螺旋体 | 712 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluoborrelia horse Testkit for the detection of Borrelia sensu lato IgG antibodies in HORSE serum | 马伯氏疏螺旋体 | 722 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluobrucella canis Testkit for the detection of Brucella canis IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 犬种布鲁氏菌 | 730 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluo C.DV Testkit for the detection of Canine Distempervirus IgG antibodies DOG Serum | 犬瘟热病毒 | 815 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluochlam f. Testkit for the detection of Chlamydophila felis IgG antibodies in CAT serum | 猫披衣菌病 | 716 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluochlam p. Testkit for the detection of Chlamydophila psittaci IgG antibodies in AVIAN serum | 禽鹦鹉热嗜性 衣原体 | 717 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® C.HV Testkit for the detection of Canine Herpesvirus IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 犬疱疹病毒 | 814 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluoehrlichia canis Testkit for the detection of Ehrlichia canis antibodies in DOG serum | 犬艾利希体 | 715 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluo EHV I Testkit for the detection of Equine Herpesvirus I IgG antibodies in HORSE serum | 马疱疹病毒1型 | 637 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluo EHV I+IV Testkit for the detection of Equine Herpesvirus I + IV IgG antibodies in HORSE serum | 马疱疹病毒1+IV型 | 813 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluoencephalitozoon c. Testkit for the detection of Encephalitozoon Cuniculi IgG antibodies in RABBIT serum | 兔脑炎原虫 | 825 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluo F.CV Testkit for the detection of Feline Calicivirus IgG antibodies in CAT serum | 猫杯状病毒病 | 816 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluo FCoV Testkit for the detection of Feline Coronavirus IgG antibodies in CAT serum | 猫冠状病毒 | 821 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluo CPV Testkit for the detection of Canine Parvovirus IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 犬细小病毒病 | 818 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® FluoF.HV Testkist for the detection of Feline Herpesvirus IgG antibodies in CAT serum | 猫疱疹病毒 | 812 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluo HCC Testkit for the detection of Hepatitis contagiosa canis IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 犬触染性肝炎病毒 | 817 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluoleish Testkit for the detection of Leishmania infantum IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 婴儿利什曼原虫 | 713 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluolisteria m. Testkit for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes IgG antibodies in SHEEP serum | 单核细胞增生 李斯特菌 | 700 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluoneospora c. Testkit for the detection of Neospora caninum IgG antibodies in DOG or COW serum | 犬新孢子虫 | 820 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluo pan Testkit for the detection of Feline Panleukopeniavirus IgG antibodies in CAT serum | 猫泛白细胞减少症 病毒 | 819 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluorickettsia ri. Testkit for the detection of Rickettsia ri. IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 立氏立克次氏体 | 811 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluorickettsia con. Testkit for the detection of Rickettsia con. IgG antibodies in DOG serum | 狗康氏立克次氏体 | 831 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluotheileria equi Testkit for the detection of Thelieria equi IgG antibodies in HORSE serum | 马泰勒虫 | 823 | 120T/kit | |||||
MegaScreen® Fluotoxoplasma g. Testkit for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in CAT or DOG serum | 弓形虫 | 826 | 120T/kit |