Axygen耗材: | |||||
货号 | 产品名称 | 产品包装 | 销售包装 | 包装规格 | 销售单位 |
PCR板、八排管、封板膜 | |||||
PCR-24-A | 0.2ml彩色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-24-B | 0.2ml蓝色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-24-BK | 0.2ml黑色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-24-C | 0.2ml透明无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-24-G | 0.2ml绿色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-24-O | 0.2ml桔色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-24-R | 0.2ml红色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-24-V | 0.2ml紫色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-24-Y | 0.2ml黄色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-2CP-RT-C | 0.2ml透明PCR八排管平盖(荧光定量) | 8 Caps per strip. 125 Strips per unit. 10 units per case. | 125 Strips / 包, 10 包 / 箱 | 10 | 包 |
PCR-32-A | 0.2ml彩色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-32-B | 0.2ml蓝色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-32-BK | 0.2ml黑色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-32-C | 0.2ml透明无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-32-G | 0.2ml绿色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-32-O | 0.2ml桔色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-32-R | 0.2ml红色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-32-V | 0.2ml紫色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-32-Y | 0.2ml黄色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-B | 55ul蓝色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-BK | 55ul黑色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-C | 55ul透明384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-G | 55ul绿色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-O | 55ul桔色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-R | 55ul红色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-V | 55ul紫色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-W | 55ul白色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-55-Y | 55ul黄色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-B | 40ul蓝色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-BK | 40ul黑色384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-C | 384孔透明PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-C-S | 40ul透明灭菌384孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-G | 384孔绿色PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-LC480-C-NF | 384 Well PCR Microplate for Roche 480 Light Cycler, Natural (No Film) | 10 Plates per Unit. 5 Units per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-LC480-W | 384 Well PCR Microplate for Roche 480 Light Cycler, White (w/Film) | 10 Plates per Unit. 5 Units per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-LC480-W-BC | 384 Well PCR Microplate for Roche 480 Light Cycler, White Bar-Coded (w/Film) | 10 Plates per Unit. 5 Units per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-LC480-W-NF | 384 Well PCR Microplate for Roche 480 Light Cycler, White (No Film) | 10 Plates per Unit. 5 Units per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-A | 384孔彩色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-B | 384孔蓝色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-BK | 384孔黑色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-C | 384孔透明半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-G | 384孔绿色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-O | 384孔桔色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-R | 384孔红色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-V | 384孔紫色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-W | 384孔白色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384M2-Y | 384孔黄色半裙边PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-O | 384孔桔色PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-R | 384孔红色PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-RGD-B | 384 Well Blue Rigi Plate PCR Microplate. | 10 Plates Per Bag, 2 Bags per Unit, 5 Units Per Case. | 20块 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-RGD-BK | 384 Well Black Rigi Plate PCR Microplate | 10 Plates Per Bag, 2 Bags per Unit, 5 Units Per Case | 20块 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-RGD-C | 384 Well Clear Rigi Plate PCR Microplate | 10 Plates Per Bag, 2 Bags per Unit, 5 Units Per Case | 20块 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-RGD-R | 384 Well Red Rigi Plate PCR Microplate. | 10 Plates Per Bag, 2 Bags per Unit, 5 Units Per Case. | 20块 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-RGD-W | 384 Well White Rigi Plate PCR Microplate | 10 Plates Per Bag, 2 Bags per Unit, 5 Units Per Case | 20块 / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-V | 384孔紫色PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-W | 384孔白色PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-384-Y | 384孔黄色PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-A | 0.2ml彩色无裙边48孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-B | 0.2ml蓝色无裙边48孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-BK | 0.2ml黑色无裙边48孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-C | 0.2ml透明无裙边48孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-G | 0.2ml绿色无裙边48孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-O | 0.2ml桔色无裙边48孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-R | 0.2ml红色无裙边48孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-V | 0.2ml紫色无裙边48孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-48-Y | 0.2ml黄色无裙边24孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-A | 0.2ml彩色96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-AB-C | 0.2ml透明半裙边96孔PCR板(ABI) | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-B | 0.2ml蓝色96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-BK | 0.2ml黑色96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-C | 0.2ml透明96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-C-S | 0.2ml透明灭菌96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FLT-BK | 96 Well Black, Flat Top PCR Microplate | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case | 25块 / 包, 4 包 / 箱 | 4 | 包 |
PCR-96-FLT-C | 0.2ml透明平顶无裙边96孔PCR板 | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case | 5块 / 包,5包 / 盒,4盒 / 箱 | 20 | 包 |
PCR-96-FLT-W | 0.2ml白色平顶无裙边96孔PCR板 | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case | 25块 / 包, 4 包 / 箱 | 4 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-A | 0.2ml彩色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-B | 0.2ml蓝色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-BK | 0.2ml黑色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-C | 0.2ml透明全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-G | 0.2ml绿色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-O | 0.2ml桔色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-R | 0.2ml红色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-V | 0.2ml紫色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-W | 0.2ml白色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-FS-Y | 0.2ml黄色全裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-G | 0.2ml绿色无裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-LC480-C-NF | 96孔透明PCR板(罗氏480);不含UC-500 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-LC480-W | 96孔白色PCR板(罗氏480);含UC-500 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-LC480-W-BC | 96孔白色PCR板(罗氏480);带条形码;含UC-500 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-LC480-W-NF | 96孔白色PCR板(罗氏480);不含UC-500 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-LP-AB-BK | 0.2ml黑色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case. | 25块 / 包, 4 包 / 箱 | 4 | 包 |
PCR-96-LP-AB-C | 0.2ml透明半裙边96孔PCR板 | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case. | 25块 / 包, 4 包 / 箱 | 4 | 包 |
PCR-96-LP-AB-W | 0.2ml白色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case. | 25块 / 包, 4 包 / 箱 | 4 | 包 |
PCR-96-LP-FLT-BK | 0.2ml黑色无裙边96孔PCR板 | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case | 25块 / 包, 4 包 / 箱 | 4 | 包 |
PCR-96-LP-FLT-C | 0.2ml透明无裙边96孔PCR板 | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case | 5块 / 包,5包 / 盒,4盒 / 箱 | 20 | 包 |
PCR-96-LP-FLT-W | 0.2ml白色无裙边96孔PCR板 | 5 Plates per bag, 5 bags per Unit, 4 Units per case | 25块 / 包, 4 包 / 箱 | 4 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-A | 0.2ml彩色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-B | 0.2ml蓝色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-BK | 0.2ml黑色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-C | 0.2ml透明半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-C-NP | 0.2ml透明半裙边97孔PCR板(无墨迹) | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-G | 0.2ml绿色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-O | 0.2ml桔色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-R | 0.2ml红色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-V | 0.2ml紫色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-W | 0.2ml白色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96M2-HS-Y | 0.2ml黄色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-A | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);彩色混装 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-B | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);蓝色 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-C | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);透明 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-G | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);绿色 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-O | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);橙色 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-R | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);红色 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-V | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);紫色 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-W | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);白色 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-MB-Y | 96孔PCR板(Mega Base);黄色 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-O | 0.2ml桔色无裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-R | 0.2ml红色无裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-A | 0.2ml彩色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-B | 0.2ml蓝色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-BK | 0.2ml黑色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-C | 0.2ml透明半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-C-S | 0.2ml透明灭菌半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-G | 0.2ml绿色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-O | 0.2ml桔色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-R | 0.2ml红色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-V | 0.2ml紫色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-W | 0.2ml白色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-SG-Y | 0.2ml黄色半裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case. | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-V | 0.2ml紫色无裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-96-Y | 0.2ml黄色无裙边96孔PCR板 | 10 Plates Per Unit. 5 Units Per Case | 10 Plates / 包, 5 包 / 箱 | 5 | 包 |
PCR-AS-200 | 铝质封板膜 | 100 sheets/box, 5 boxes/case | 100 sheets/盒, 5 盒/箱 | 5 | 盒 |
PCR-AS-600 | 铝质封板膜 | 100 sheets/box, 5 boxes/case | 100 sheets/盒, 5 盒/箱 | 5 | 盒 |
PCR-SP | 透明封板膜 | 100 sheets/box, 5 boxes/case | 100 sheets/盒, 5 盒/箱 | 5 | 盒 |
PCR-SP-ROLLER | 封板滚轮 | 1 pc | 1 个 | 1 | 个 |
PCR-SP-S | 透明无菌封板膜 | 100 sheets/box, 5 boxes/case | 100 sheets/盒, 5 盒/箱 | 5 | 盒 |
PCR-TS | 透明封板膜 | 100 sheets/box, 5 boxes/case | 100 sheets/盒, 5 盒/箱 | 5 | 盒 |
PCR-TS-900 | CyclerSeal. Exceptional seal for water bath or difficult PCR applications. Eliminates well-to-well contamination when used w/Axygen compression mat, PP, 120um | 50 sheets/box, 5 boxes/case | 100 sheets/盒, 5 盒/箱 | 5 | 盒 |
PES-15-B-SI | 1.5 and 2.0ml Pre-Sterilized Individually Wrapped Blue Pestle | 100 per unit, 4 units per case | 100 / 包, 4 包 / 箱 | 4 | 包 |
P-LID-PP | No Notch Polypropylene Lid for Reservoirs, Clear | 10 Lids/unit, 10 units/case | 10 Lids/包, 10 包/箱 | 10 | 包 |
PT-10ML-R | 10 ML pipette tips, racked | 10 racks of 25 Tips Per Case | 25 Tips / 盒,10盒 / 箱 | 10 | 盒 |
PT-5ML-R | 5 ML pipette tips, Racked. | 10 Racks of 50 tips per case | 50 Tips / 盒,10盒 / 箱 | 10 | 盒 |
UC-500 | 荧光定量PCR用高透明封板膜 | 100 sheets/box, 5 boxes/case | 100 sheets/盒, 5 盒/箱 | 5 | 盒 |