德国哈威RZ双级泵 HAWE双联泵
本公司专业销售德国哈威液压泵 油泵 柱塞泵 双联泵 定量泵 变量泵 液压阀 哈威继电器
Dual-stage pumps consist of a high-pressure section (radial piston pump, HP) and a directly coupled low-pressure section (gear pump, LP). The pump is usually driven by one single electric motor, which is connected with the dual-stage pump by means of a flange and a coupling. Compact control systems (e.g. for presses) can be created by mounting two-stage valves and valve banks onto the cover plate of hydraulic power packs.
Overview of the product type
Dual stage pumps type RZ
尺寸 | 排量 (低压) (cm³/rev) | 排量 (高压) (cm³/rev) | 流量(低压) (lpm) | 流量(高压) (lpm) | 系统压力 (bar) | 文件 |
6910 | 26 | 4.58 | 37 | 6.5 | 700 | RZ型双级泵 RZ型双级泵(电机泵和液压泵站) |
6911 | 89.6 | 10.7 | 135 | 15.3 | 700 | RZ型双级泵 RZ型双级泵(电机泵和液压泵站) |
6912 | 89.6 | 21.39 | 135 | 30.4 | 700 | RZ型双级泵 RZ型双级泵(电机泵和液压泵站) |
6914 | 89.6 | 42.78 | 135 | 60.8 | 700 | RZ型双级泵 RZ型双级泵(电机泵和液压泵站) |
6916 | 89.6 | 64.18 | 135 | 91.2 | 700 | RZ型双级泵 RZ型双级泵(电机泵和液压泵站) |
7631 | 7.9 | 1.59 | 11.3 | 2.27 | 700 | RZ型双级泵 RZ型双级泵(电机泵和液压泵站) |
德国哈威RZ双级泵 HAWE双联泵