Pumping fluids that are highly viscous, abrasive, laden with solids or all of these things is the daily task for the Megator Lobe Pump.
Due to a number of carefully engineered features, the Megator Rotary Lobe Pump manages such a task whilst ensuring a low life cycle cost.
The gentle action of the two interacting rotors creates a fluid movement through the pump, with minimal damage to suspended particles. Various types of rotor materials can be used, combined with a wide range of materials for all other wetted parts, resistance to wear and corrosion are obtained.
The special design of the Megator Lobe pump allows dry running, as the standard mechanical/lip - seal system is constantly lubricated. The same lubrication acts as a seal detector, allowing the user to react swiftly in case of any leaks occurring.
Typical fluids handled with the Megator Lobe Pump are:
Sludge with high dry-matter content, mud slurries, chemicals, centrifuge feed fluid, meat offal, cement slurry, gypsum, sauces with vegetables, marmalade etc.
Capacity up to 375m3/hr
Solids up to 61mm
Differential pressure up to 30 bar
Viscosity up to 1.000.000cp
Temperatures up to 450oC
Seal system : lip seals, double mechanical seals, single mechanical seals, stuffing box and a combination of these seal types.
Casing : FCD45, bronze, SUS316, SUS316L, Hasloy B, Titanium, Monel, etc.
Rotors : Elastomer compounds, SUS316, bronze, Teflon, PVDF, MC nylon, Hasloy B, etc.
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