磁场&电场测试仪器 Model MFM 2000
- 符合所有现行的TCO低频磁场辐射测试标准(MFM2000)
- 可载入ICNIRP、EN 50366、IEC 62233等规范(选购),并适用于其他由ICNIRP衍生的低频磁场辐射测试规范(5Hz~400kHz) (MFM 3000)
- 全自动权范围测量,并可同时量测双频带(VLF/ELF) (MFM2000) 频带I(5Hz~2kHz):10nT~100µT, 频带II(2k~400kHz):1nT~10µ T
- 频率磁场强度范围 (5Hz~400kHz): 10nT~10mT (MFM3000)
- 即时频谱分析
- 可在两个频带下提供全频宽频谱
- 三轴正交的天线可同步取样
- 频谱zoom in/out功能,提供更详尽的分析频谱峰值之频率解析度 - 波行捕捉功能
- 提供个别的X、Y、Z方向的测量两种波型呈现方式:低通滤波或2kHz的高通滤波波型zoom in/out功能,提供更详细分析。 - 资料数据的纪录
- 可自由选择数据呈现的编排模式,如RMS值、频谱与波型
- 可直接储存测试数据资料
- 长时间的自动记录,如检测实验室环境背景 - 大型触碰式控制板显示(320x240点矩阵)
- 标准USB介面
- 可由软体远端遥控,自行设计报搞格式(选购)
MFM 2000 Magnetic Field Meter

Dual Band Magnetic Field Meter
Frequency range 5 Hz-2 kHz and 2 kHz-400 kHz
Fulfil MPR2 and TCO certification specifications
Dynamic range Band I 1 nT – 10 µT
Dynamic range Band II 10 nT – 100 µT
True RMS and real time spectrum analysis
Dual Band Magnetic Field Meter
Magnetic Field Meter 2000 is a professional dual band magnetic field instrument with a unique combination of features:
- simultaneous measurements of ELF and VLF magnetic fields.
- unique real time dual band spectrum analysis in three dimensions
- orthogonal coil sensor for field direction independence.
- frequency range from 5 Hz – 2 kHz and 2 kHz – 400 kHz according to MPR 2 and TCO certification
- true RMS measurements of both frequency bands.
- touch panel display with numerical and graphical result presentation.
Magnetic Field Meter 2000 is specifically designed to replace the MFM 1000 and MFM 10 instruments. Flexible operation modes built into the instrument are:
- single or continuous measurements of both bands simultaneously.
- full remote mode capabilities controlled from a PC.
- PC support software to handle remote mode operation, storage and presentation of measurement data
from complete testing according to TCO certification methods. - PC database, test procedure guidance and report generator.