意大利 EuroClone    Amniomed  Plus 羊水培养基

EKAMG600意大利 EuroClone Amniomed Plus 羊水培养基

参考价: 面议

2017-06-19 05:53:03





Amniomed ® Plus羊水培养基是专门针对胎儿染色体核型分析的羊水细胞原始培养而研发的培养基。该培养基促进了Z佳的体外粘附和羊水细胞生长,缩短了产前细胞遗传诊断要求的时间。此外,它还优化了原位和三角瓶培养。由于其特殊配方,Amniomed ® Plus羊水培养基也适用于绒毛膜、胎儿组织和纤维母细胞的培养。Amniomed ® Plus是一种*培养基(不需要附加物)、无菌的、随时可用的。


名称: Amniomed Plus羊水培养基
品牌: EuroClone
产地: 意大利

    Cytogenetic pre natal analysis is the early detection of genetic diseases in a fetus or embryo before it is born. The aim is to detect birth defects such  as  neural  tube  defects,  Down  syndrome,  chromosome abnormalities, genetic diseases and other conditions. It can also be used to determine the sex of the unborn baby. Common  procedures  used  in  pre  natal  cytogenetic diagnosis include amniocentesis and chorionic villisampling and long term culture of derived cells for a subsequent karyotyping.

    Amniomed®Plus  is  a  medium  specifi cally developed  for  primary  culture  of  amniotic fluid cells for foetal karyotyping. This medium promotes  optimal  in  vitro  adhesion  and growth  of  amniocytes,  reducing  the  time required for prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis, moreover it is optimised for both in situ and flask culture. Due to its special formulation, it is also suitable for culturing of chorionic villi,  foetal  tissues  and  skin  fibroblasts. Amniomed®Plus  is  a  complete  medium (no additions required), sterile and readyto-use.  Amniomed®Plus  is  supplied  as  frozen liquid, and as such can be stored at –20 ± 2°C for two years.

    Amniomed ® Plus羊水培养基是专门针对胎儿染色体核型分析的羊水细胞原始培养而研发的培养基。该培养基促进了*的体外粘附和羊水细胞生长,缩短了产前细胞遗传诊 断要求的时间。此外,它还优化了原位和三角瓶培养。由于其特殊配方,Amniomed ® Plus羊水培养基也适用于绒毛膜、胎儿组织和纤维母细胞的培养。Amniomed ® Plus是一种*培养基(不需要附加物)、无菌的、随时可用的。Amniomed ® Plus以冻结的液体形式提供,能在-20±2℃的温度下存储两年。


Ready to use and available in liquid form, frozen.

Suitable for either open (5% CO2) or  closed culture systems.

Short turnaround time: under ideal condition, guarantees cell growth in 7-9 days.

Long shelf life: 24 months at –20 ± 2°C.

IVD CE marked: manufactured according to the community directives for In vitroDiagnostic.

Conformity: developed and manufactured within  Quality System accredited to EN ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 13485:2003.

- 随时可用,液态、冰冻都可
- 为开放(5% CO2)或关闭培养系统研发,例如一个紧密加盖的瓶子
- 包含FBS(胎牛血清)、左旋谷氨酰胺、生长因子、抗生素和一个有效的缓冲系统(pH值7.1-7.5)
- 在理想的状态下保证细胞生长期为7-9天
- 存储条件:+4℃的温度下至少一周,-20±2℃的温度下高达24个月

Comparative results against two leading competitor

Incubation time: all culture were harvested 7, 8 or 9 days after the initial plating.

Colony number: when compared on the same culture day and stained with Quinacrine, the Amniomed®Plus performance was equal to, if not better than, the competitor products.

Colony type: when compared on the same culture day and stained with Quinacrine, again the performance of Amniomed®Plus was equal to, if not better than, the competitor products.

Colony size:when compared on the same culture day and stained with Quinacrine, again the difference in size was not found to be statistically signifi cant.

Cat.No.               Description             Format

EKAMG200           Amniomed ®Plus             100 ml

EKAMG600                                      500 ml

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