burkert/德国宝德 品牌
面议burkert 8640 24-Pilot Valve 6524 Identity No. 1588
面议宝德阀岛8650 burkert 8650阀岛
面议宝德阀岛8644 burkert 8644阀岛
面议宝德8640 burkert 8644 宝德8650
面议宝德8640 burkert 8644
面议宝德8640阀岛 burkert 8650阀岛
面议宝德8650阀岛 burkert 8650
面议burkert 8650阀岛 宝德8650
面议burkert 8640阀岛
面议宝德8640阀岛 burkert 8644阀岛
面议burkert5470 00135211,宝德5470电磁阀,burkert 5470电磁阀,宝德00135211,burkert 00135211,宝德135211电磁阀。可与以下产品配套:type 2506插头、burkert 2012球阀、type 0044气缸。3/2 and 4/2-way Solenoid Valve for pneumatic systems。
burkert5470 00135211产品介绍:
The type 5470 R is available as a 3/2 and 4/2-way valve. The valves can be mounted together individually
using the module flange. In various applications,they can be used advantageously as valve blocks. Different
variants are available for service ports 2 and 4.
3/2-way models (circuit functions C and D) with non-return valve in the module flange.
Only for direct current operation (DC), for alternating current (AC), place a cable plug with a rectifier upstream.
For universal current operation (UC = DC or AC); rectifier, varistor and LED integrated into the coil.