burkert/德国宝德 品牌
burkert 比例阀 24V主要有以下系列:
burkert 2871、burkert 2873、burkert 2875、burkert 6024、burkert 6223等。以宝德6024比例阀为例简单介绍:
属于低压比例阀、压力范围为0-0.7bar(公斤)、内螺纹连接,有两种,G1/2 和G3/4,通径范围为8-12mm,6024型为直动式电磁阀,适合高流量液体和气体介质。
In continuous fl ow applications, the choice of appropriate valve size is much more important than with on/off valves. The optimum size should be selected such that the resulting fl ow in the system is not unnecessarily reduced by the valve. However, a suffi cient part of the pressure drop should be taken across the valve even when it is fully opened.
burkert 比例阀 24V的检索方式有很多,有的客户会搜宝德24V电磁比例阀、burkert比例阀、burkert比例阀24V、宝德24V比例阀、宝德电磁比例阀,比例控制阀的输出量(流量、压力)可以按照输入信号的变化规律连续成比例地进行调节。通常是采用比例电磁铁将输入的电信号转换成力或者阀的机械位移量进行控制。宝德的比例阀电压都是24V DC的,回路功能都是两位两通常闭A型。