burkert/德国宝德 品牌
德国宝德 MKRS 阀岛 扩展burkert8640和8644
面议宝帝阀岛 8640 定制气动方案 德国burkert
面议德国进口宝德burkert8653AirLINE Field阀岛
面议德国进口宝帝burkert8652AirLINE 阀岛
面议Polman SMD250250480-0SA1102气缸价格优势
面议德国Polman执行器 polman气缸
面议气缸6DR5020-0NG03-0AA0 POLMAN执行器
面议burkert电磁阀 125304、burkert 电磁阀00125304、宝德电磁阀125304、宝德6013电磁阀、burkert 6013-00125304、burkert三通电磁阀6013-125304,电磁线圈采用聚酰胺或耐化学腐蚀的环氧树脂封装。具有脉冲线圈式和带“kick and drop”电子线路式(2511插头),用以降低功耗。可选带手动开关式,用于快速调试和方便维护。
burkert电磁阀 125304Valve 6013 is a direct-acting plunger valve. The stopper and plunger guiding tube are welded together to enhance pressure resistance and leak-tightness. Various seal material combinations are available depending on the application. A Bürkert-specifi c fl ange design (SFB)enables space-saving arrangement of valves on a manifold. The coils are moulded with polyamide or with chemically resistant epoxy. Pulse coils and ‘Kick and Drop’ electronics are available for overexcitation (plug 2511) for the reduction of electrical power consumption during operation. Optional manual actuation enables quick commissioning and easy maintenance.In combination with a plug in accordance with DIN EN 17301-803 Form A, the valves satisfy protection class IP65. Stainless steel valves satisfy NEMA 4X.