Dumont 品牌
Dumont镊子0203-N5AC-PO 抗毛细镊子0202-N5AC-PO
面议N4AC 抗毛细镊子 Dumont反向镊子 显微自锁镊子 反作用力镊子
面议Dumont镊子0203-N7-PO 弯头自锁镊子 反向镊子 电镜镊子 铜网夹持镊子
面议WPI镊子14095 Dumont镊子 动物解剖镊子 5号解剖镊子
面议Dumont镊子5SF WPI镊子501985 耐腐蚀镊子 实验室镊子
面议Dumont镊子0303-5-PO WPI镊子14098 瑞士进口镊子 实验室镊子
面议Dumont代理、Dumont解剖镊子、Dumont精细镊子 Dumont显微镊子
面议铜网镊子0203-N4-PO Dumont镊子 电镜透射镊子
面议Dumont镊子N7AC 防倒吸弯头镊子 抗毛细镊子 弯头自锁镊子
面议Dumont镊子0203-5-PO Dumox镊子 生物镊子 动物解剖镊子
高品質的素材是我們製造高品質商品的重要條件,所以Dumont 長年與瑞士的材料供應商密切合作,以確保我們的商品保有zui高水準。當我們收到新的材料時,在確認可以拿來製作我們的商品前,這些材料都要經過嚴格的檢查,並且符合本公司對品質的要求。為了製造符合各式要求的工具,我們使用了數種不同的鋼合金。
(02)不鏽鋼02 為標準不鏽鋼材質,由碳、錳、鉻及矽所組成。鉻成分使得不鏽鋼02 比碳鋼稍軟。不鏽鋼02 同為有磁性的材質,可耐高溫400°C (DIN 50 914),但不適合消毒處理。
(03)Dumoxel ('Dumont Excellence')由碳、鉻、鎳、鉬及銅所組成。這是目前zui受客戶好評的素材。此
Dumont 獨家專利的材料由於含有鉬及鉻,所以高度抗蝕。同時對於硫、鹽酸等非有機的酸性環境有極高耐受度。Dumoxel 為95%抗磁性的材料,可耐高溫約為400°C (DIN 50 914),同時可耐高溫270°C 消毒。
(04)抗磁鋼由碳、鉻、鎳、鉬所組成。由於高含量的鉬,所以此材料高度抗蝕。抗磁鋼為80%抗磁性的材料,可耐高溫約為400°C (DIN 50 914),同時可耐高溫270°C 消毒。
(07)鈦由碳、鐵、鋨、氫、氮以及鈦所組成。鈦高度抗蝕(硝酸、氯酸、鹽水等),具彈性,但比不鏽鋼08 較軟。
不鏽鋼08 為醫療級合金,由碳、錳、鉬及釩所組成。高度抗蝕及抗鹽份。不鏽鋼比碳剛軟,並且不易生鏽。不鏽鋼08 是磁性合金,可耐高溫400°C (DIN 50 914),並且可180°C 高溫消毒。
(09)Dumostar ('Dumont star')為Dumont 生產並取得專利的材料,由碳、鉻、鉬、錳、鈷、鎳及矽組成。
Dumostar 比zui高等級的不鏽鋼硬度更高,並且具有彈性。它可抗類型的腐蝕,包含有機和無機酸以及鹽水。本材料被使用於處理人體組織,並且*抗磁。可耐溫度從急速冷凍至500°C 高溫,並可以500°C 高溫消毒。雖然本材料價格較高,但仍是性價比zui優的材料,並且zui適合在實驗室的環境中使用。
Dumont公司始于1875年,位于著名的瑞士制表工業區La Sagne,以其獨特的手工鑷子聞名于世界。鑷子剛開始時主要提供給制表工業使用,如今已經跨越制表行業,得到很多科學研究者的推崇。Dumont鑷子材質多樣,做工精良,經久耐用,是杰出鑷子工具的代表。
生物級別:使用Dumoxel steel、Dumostar、INOX等材料制造,高品質的不銹鋼。生物級別的鑷子均有著精細的尖部、無磁、抗腐蝕,這些特性幾乎可以滿足您的精密的實驗室工作
The manufacture is home to both traditional expertise and cutting-edge technologies. Our tools are entirely manufactured by our company and bear the stamp of 'A. Dumont & Fils Made in Switzerland' on the inside. The material itself therefore shows the product origin. It is our quest for perfection that has enabled us to maintain our reputation as a market leader in tweezers manufacturing.
Dumont has continued this tradition since its foundation in 1881. It is one of the last tweezer manufactures to carry out all of its production in Switzerland and is an independent, family-owned business. The company enjoys complete financial and creative autonomy, allowing it to design, develop and manufacture what specialists widely agree to be the world's best tweezers.
The shrewd vision of the family that has run Dumont since its foundation has enabled the company to preserve its most precious assets – complete independence and a philosophy of excellence. It has overcome economic and family setbacks, as well as the challenges of the third millennium, by combining industrial efficiency, human values and environmental considerations. Dumont oversees the entire manufacturing process using its own quality criteria.
Innovation remains the key to our success. Dumont continues some of the oldest traditions, while at the same time pushing the boundaries of steel manufacturing. Throughout its history, it has created innovative tools (the most famous being numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) that have since been imitated the world over, as well as making major discoveries. These discoveries have all been patented.
Dumont醫學級別:醫學鑷子均由Inox 08不銹鋼制造,不炫目的鏡面磨光鑷子用于強光環境下非常理想, 系列產品有大而凸起的手柄,以方便穩固握拿。
Inox 08 is a medical stainless steel composed of C, Mn, Cr, Mo and V that provides an excellent resistance to corrosion and a good resistance to salt. Although not as hard as Carbon steels, Inox 08 offers excellent resistance to corrosion. This magnetic alloy supports temperatures of around 400°C (DIN 50914) and is suitable for autoclave sterilization at 180°C
Inox 02 is a standard magnetic stainless steel composed of C, Mn, Cr and Si. This alloy is not as hard as carbon steels because it contains Chromium. lnox 02 will resist temperatures of around 400°C (DIN 50 914), but cannot be sterilized