The Model 3163 Analog Input Conditioner 、The Model 3163 Analog Input Conditioner 、
These instruments accept inputs from various analog voltage sources, including DC-to-DC LVDT's, potentiometer-type sensors, Hall-Effect devices, photocells, current shunts, and the outputs of other instrument systems with various grounding configurations and voltage/impedance levels.
is the basic "Form 1" instrument.
The Model 3263 Analog Input Conditioner / Indicator is the "Form 2" instrument, providing vivid front-panel digital indication of measured values, scalable in desired engineering units.
The Model 3363 Analog Input Conditioner / Indicator / Controller is the "Form 3" instrument, and includes HI/LO limit detection with control output.
The signal source can be grounded or floating, and may use 2-, 3-, or 4-wire cabling, as shown below. A regulated 10-V supply is provided for excitation of potentiometers, DC-to-DC sensors, and similar devices. Full-scale sensitivity is continuously adjustable in four jumper-selectable ranges. Three standard 5-V outputs are provided.
With a sensitive, high-impedance floating differential input, wide common-mode range, and exceptional common-mode rejection, these models can be used to obtain difficult low-level signals from highly off-ground sources, without common-mode AC or DC offset problems.
Selectable low-pass active filtering allows the smoothing of unwanted normal-mode dynamic components that might prevent stable digital conversion or control action.
3000 Series options applying to these instruments include