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美国Bel-Art Scienceware无菌镊子夹子钳
面议德国普兰德BRAND PLT unit移液器泄露检测仪
面议德国普兰德BRAND Transferpettor移液器
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面议德国普兰德BRAND seripettor®瓶口分液器
面议3820 美国Hausser Howard Mold霍华德霉菌计数板
霍华德霉菌计数板(Howard Mold Counting Chamber):适用于清汁、浊汁、水、浓缩果汁中霍华德霉菌直接镜检计数(番茄汁/酱、马铃薯酱等)。该计数板又称为“郝氏计测玻片”美国Hausser scientific血球计数板,霍华德霉菌计数板,准确计算白细胞、红细胞、血小板、组织培养细胞、细菌和精子
3820 美国Hausser Howard Mold霍华德霉菌计数板
The Counting Chamber is of all glass construction. In the center of the slide is a rectangle 15 x 20 mm, which is flanked by shoulders on each side 0.1mm higher. The cover glass is supported on these shoulders and leaves a depth of 0.1mm between the underside of the cover glass and the rectangle. The rectangle and the cover glass have optically plane surfaces. To facilitate calibration of the microscope, the rectangle has two engraved parallel lines spaced 1.382mm apart.An accessory eyepiece micrometer is available which is ruled into squares, each of which is equal to 1/6 of the diameter of the eyepiece diaphragm opening. For mold counting, the microscope must give an area of 1.5 sq. mm.(circle 1.382 mm in diameter) at magnification of 90-125.
Occasionally a blended mixture will contain particles of seed tissue that make it difficult to obtain Newton rings in preparing slide for mold counting. A clamp devised for holding cover slip in place to obviate this difficulty consists of metal plate with circular opening, 2.5 cm in diameter, in center of plate; 2 clips attached to anterior edge of plate fasten cover slip in position when slide is placed on plate.To clean the counting chamber: After completing the count, remove the cover glass and clean the counting chamber with water or a mild cleaning solution (10% solution of bleach). Dry the counting chamber with a soft cloth or wipe, or rinse with acetone.