NIST/美国 品牌
美国国家标准局标准品NIST SRM Standard Bullet 2460-标准子弹
标准品英文名称:Standard Bullet 2460
美国国家标准局标准品(NIST)——NIST Standard Reference Materials® (简称SRMs ®)是美国国家标准局(NIST)制定的“标准参照样品(SRM)”,共有1100多种,每种标样都有美国国家标准局的详细分析报告和用途说明,这些物品经认证后被作为特定的量度或成分含量,成为校正标准用于测量设备和制作程序、工业生产的品质控制标准,以及实验对比样本。
NIST SRM主要从事物理、生物和工程方面的基础和应用研究,以及测量技术和测试方法方面的研究,提供标准、标准参考数据及有关服务,在国际上享有很高的声誉。SRM标准参照样品的适用范围:(1)帮助开发准确的分析方法,(2)用于校正检测仪器、质量控制和测定检出极限,(3)保证检测方法的可靠性和长久稳定性。
NIST标准品Standard Bullet SRM 2460-美国国家标准局标准品
货号: SRM 2460
品名:Standard Bullet
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2460/2461 standard bullets and casings project will provide support to firearms examiners and to the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) in the United States. The SRM bullet is designed as both a virtual and a physical bullet profile signature standard. The virtual standard is a set of six digitized bullet profile signatures originally traced from six master bullets fired at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). By using the virtual signature standard to control the tool path on a numerically controlled diamond turning machine, 40 SRM bullets were produced. A profile signature measurement system was established for the SRM bullets. The profile signature differences are quantified by the maximum of the cross correlation function and by the signature difference between pairs of compared profile signatures measured on different SRM bullets. Initial measurement results showed high reproducibility for both the measurement system and production process of the SRM bullets. A traceability scheme has been proposed to establish the measurement traceability for nationwide bullet signature measurements to NIST, ATF and FBI. Prototype SRM casings have also been developed.