79722BCMA:APRIL[Biotinylated] Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit
BPS Bioscience 品牌
ATAT1, GST-tag Recombinant
面议ATF2, GST-Tag Recombinant
面议GCN5 (727-837), His-tag Recombinant
面议GCN5 (KAT2A), FLAG-tag Recombinant
面议p300 (KAT3B), His-GST-tag Recombinant
面议ACHE, His-Tag Recombinant
面议APAF1, His-tag, FLAG-tag Recombinant
面议BCL-2, His-Tag Recombinant
面议BCL2A1, His-Tag Recombinant
面议BCL2L10, His-Tag Recombinant
面议Caspase6, His-tag Recombinant
面议Caspase7, His-tag Recombinant
面议The BCMA:APRIL[Biotinylated] Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit is designed for screening and profiling inhibitors of BCMA:APRIL. The key to this kit is the high sensitivity of detection of biotin-labeled APRIL by streptavidin-HRP. Only a few simple steps on a microtiter plate are required for the assay. First, BCMA is coated on a 96-well plate. Next, biotinylated APRIL is incubated with BCMA on the plate. Finally, the plate is treated with streptavidin-HRP followed by addition of an HRP substrate to produce chemiluminescence, which can be measured using a chemiluminescence reader.