
R-12 & IR-12R小型红外光源

参考价: 面议

2024-05-20 09:51:49






R-12 & IR-12R
● Voltage: 5 Volts (AC or DC)
● Temperature: 900℃
● Current: 2 Amps
● Power: 10.0 Watts
● Active area: 3.5 mm x 3.5 mm


R-12 & IR-12R


● Voltage: 5 Volts (AC or DC)
● Temperature: 900℃
● Current: 2 Amps
● Power: 10.0 Watts
● Active area: 3.5 mm x 3.5 mm
● Emissivity: 0.80
● Lifetime: 30,000 hours at 5V, typical
● The IR-12 part uses a high stability wire whereas the IR-12K uses Kanthal resistance
wire for operation at higher temperatures. Apart from the wire used, the IR-12 and IR-
12K are identical.
● The IR-12R is a standard IR-12 fabricated with the header flange in the reverse

IR-21 and IR-21V


● Voltage: 5 Volts (AC or DC)
● Temperature: 800℃
● Current: 0.8 Amps
● Power: 4.0 Watts
● Active area: 1.5 mm x 3.5 mm
● Emissivity: 0.80
● Lifetime: 3+ years at 800℃, typical

IR-22 and IR-22V


● Voltage: 4.5 Volts (AC or DC)
● Temperature: 800℃
● Current: 0.75 Amps
● Power: 3.4 Watts
● Active area: 1.5 mm x 3.5 mm
● Emissivity: 0.80
● Lifetime: 3+ years at 800℃, typical
● The header is available in two sizes. The larger, IR-21, has an 8.6 mm diameter base. Thesmaller, IR-22, has a 4 mm diameter base. The support pins, which are also the power leads,are hermetically sealed in glass.
● The IR-20 Series is offered in two configurations: the IR-21 and IR-22 have the element
mounted horizontally and the IR-21V and IR-22V which have the element mounted vertically.

IR-30 Series



● Active area: 1.8 mm x 1.8 mm
● Emissivity: ~0.75
● Temperature: 950℃
● Voltage: 2.5 Volts (AC or DC)
● Current: 1.7 Amps
● Lifetime: ~25,000 hours
● IR-35 Normalized On-Axis Output:11x the output of the IR-30
● The IR-35 is the IR-30 with a parabolic reflector to collimate the energy.




● Voltage: 35 Volts (AC or DC)
● Temperature: 600℃
● Current: 115 mA
● Power: 4.0 Watts
● Active area: 3.5 mm x 2.5 mm
● Emissivity: 0.80
● Lifetime: 3+ years at 600℃, typical
● The IR-40 unit is attached to a TO-5 header with high temperature cement. This unit is also offered without a cap (as an IR-40NC) and with a cap and sapphire window (as an IR-40S).




● Voltage: 14 Volts (AC or DC)
● Temperature: 600℃
● Current: 90 mA
● Power: 1.3 Watts
● Active area: 1.5 mm x 1.5 mm
● Emissivity: 0.80
● Lifetime: 3+ years at 600℃, typical
● The IR-43 unit is free standing on a TO-5 header. It requires less power to achieve the same temperature as the IR-40. Without a directly connected mass to draw of heat, it is more responsive.

IR-50, IR-55 and IR-56



● Voltage: 6.4 Volts (AC or DC)
● Temperature: 750℃
● Resistance in the Hot state*: 50 ohms
● Current: 135 mA
● Power: 0.9 Watts
● Cooling Time Constant: 11.5ms
● Heating Time Constant: 35 ms
● Modulation Depth: 50% at 63 Hz, 50% Duty Cycle
● Active area: 1.7mm x 1.7mm
● IR-55: Lamp mounted in parabolic reflector (no window)
● IR-56:As per the IR-55 but with a smaller parabolic reflector allowing operation in a
smaller envelope. 9.1mm x 10.2mm diameter
● Lifetime(constant operation is approximay half these figures):
● 6+ months at 750℃ 10Hz 50% Duty Cycle, typical
● 3+ years at 600℃ 10Hz 50% Duty Cycle, typical
● 8+ years at 450℃ 10Hz 50% Duty Cycle, typical
● * Measured at 5 Hz frequency, 50% duty cycle.



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