2011/8/23 12:57:52上海叶舟生物技术有限公司
100ML 和1L两种规格备有大量现货,欢迎订购!!
品名 产地 货号 规格 单价 备注 细胞分离液 Percoll Pharmacia 17-0891-01 100ML 420 现货 细胞分离液 Percoll Pharmacia 17-0891-01 3600 现货
细胞分离液 Percoll
(一) 原理
Percoll是一种包有乙烯的硅胶颗粒。渗透压很低(<20mosm/kg H2O), 粘度也很小,可形成高达1.3g/ml密度,采用预先形成的密度梯度时可在低离心力(200~1000g)于数分至数十分钟内达到满意的细胞分离结果。由于Percoll扩散常数低,所形成的梯度十分稳定。此外,Percoll不穿透生物膜,对细胞无毒害,因此广泛用于分离细胞、亚细胞成分、细菌及病毒,还可将受损细胞及其碎片与完好的活细胞分离。
(二)细胞分离液 Percoll的操作方法及注意事项
1.不同浓度(密度)Percoll溶液的制备: 先用9份Percoll与1份8.5% NaCl或1.5MPBS混合达到生理性渗透压,然后用生理溶液(0.85% NaCl或0.15M PBS)稀释到所需浓度。
Percoll浓度(%) 70 60 50 40 30 20
比重g/ml 1.090 1.077 1.067 1.056 1.043 1.031
2.不连续密度梯度Percoll层的制备: 先将试管壁用牛血清湿润,除去多余血清,这种预处理可使逐层叠加的Percoll液平稳沿管壁流下,使形成满意的界面。在制备过程中一般用长针头注射器从高密度向低密度逐层放置,有时相邻两层Percoll比重相差不大时,可将Percoll液放入注射器中,小针头斜面紧贴管壁,任其自然慢慢流下。
(四) 人不同血细胞的漂浮密度
表 人不同血细胞的漂浮密度
细 胞 漂浮密度 │ 细 胞 漂浮密度
红细胞 1.09-1.11 │淋巴细胞 1.052-1.077
粒细胞 │ B淋巴细胞 1.062-1.075
嗜酸性 1.09-1.095 │ T淋巴细胞 1.065-1.077
嗜中性 1.080-1.085 │ 淋巴母细胞 1.065-1.077
单核细胞 1.050-1.066 │自然杀伤细胞 1.050-1.070
血小板 1.030-1.060 │
答:根据你需要的具体密度梯度决定的,根据要分离的不同细胞种类,数量等等,也有用原液配的。也有用80%配的,不一定的。另外,percoll本身是低渗透压的,要用高渗透压溶液配成生理等渗透压溶液,然后使用,不然,细胞容易破裂。一般是先用9份Percoll与1份8.5% NaCl或1.5MPBS混合达到生理性渗透压,然后用生理溶液(0.85% NaCl或0.15M PBS)稀释到所需浓度。即取Percoll原液与10倍浓缩的PBS以9:1的比例混合,此时溶液 为100% Percoll,比重是1.127,毫克分子渗透压浓度为290mOsmol/kg
Percoll浓度(%) 70 60 50 40 30 20
比重g/ml 1.090 1.077 1.067 1.056 1.043 1.031
Technical Information
Separation of human blood cells in a gradient of Percoll™. Bottom layer contains red blood cells, the middle band is polymorpho- nuclear cells (i.e. granulocytes) and the top band is mononuclear cells.
Percoll™*, our innovative density gradient medium, is available in easy-to-open, resealable bottles.
Percoll is a low viscosity density gradient medium for preparation of cells, subcellular particles, and larger viruses. The low viscosity of the medium enables cell preparation on preformed gradients in only a few minutes using low centrifugal forces (200 to 1000 × g). Percoll is supplied sterile and is easily resterilizable. The medium is avaialble in easy-to-open, resealable 250 ml and
* Note: Percoll™ is for in vitro research use only.
Percoll™ consists of silica particles (15-30 nm diameter) coated with non-dialyzable polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Free PVP is present at only 1-2%. Percoll™ is non-toxic, almost chemically inert and does not adhere to membranes. Percoll™ gradients can be formed within the density range of 1.0- | |
Percoll™ is provided as a sterile solution and can be stored unopened at room temperature for five y. At | |
Percoll™ is guaranteed to meet the following specifications | |
Composition | Silica sol with non-dialyzable PVP coating, 15-30 nm diameter |
Density | 1.13 ± |
Conductivity, max. | 100 mS/m |
Osmolality, max. | 25 mOsm/kg |
Viscosity | 10 ± 5 cP at |
pH | 9.0 ± 0.5 at |
Examples of separations in Percoll™ | ||
| | Centrifugation |
Source | Density (g/ml)* | conditions (× g) |
Rat liver cells | | |
Hepatocytes | 1.07-1.10 | 30 000 for 30 min |
Kupffer cells | 1.05-1.06 | 30 000 for 30 min |
Human blood cells | | |
Thrombocytes | 1.04-1.06 | † |
Lymphocytes | 1.06-1.08 | † |
Granulocytes | 1.08-1.09 | † |
Erythrocytes | 1.09-1.10 | † |
E. coli | 1.13 | 30 000 for 20 min |
Viruses | | |
Tobacco mosaic virus | 1.06 | 100 000 for 45 min |
Equine abortion virus | 1.08 | 40 000 for 45 min |
Influenza virus | 1.06 | 25 000 for 25 min |
Organelles | | |
Mitochondria | 1.09-1.11 | 50 000 for 45 min |
Lysosomes | 1.04-1.07 | 50 000 for 45 min |
| 1.08-1.11 | 50 000 for 45 min |
Peroxisomes | 1.05-1.07 | 63 000 for 30 min |
Synaptosomes | 1.04-1.06 | 50 000 for 45 min |
Nuclei | 1.08-1.12 | 100 000 for 60 min |
* Density is given as recorded density in a Percoll™ gradient. | ||
† Separation of blood cells is best achieved using a preformed gradient (starting density 1.090 g/ml) prepared by centrifuging at 20 000 × g for 20 min. Blood is layered on top of the gradient and centrifuged at 1000 × g for 5 min in a swinging-bucket rotor. Thrombocytes remain in the serum layer above the gradient; this layer can be removed with a pipette (rate-zonal separation). An additional spin for 20 min at 1000 × g separates the other cell types at their isopycnic densities. |
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