

80301 Configuration-specific Monoclonal Antibody Based Gαi Activation Assay Kit



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cGMP和cAMP单克隆抗体,active Rac1,active RhoA, active Cdc42,Ras,B-Raf(V600E),active Gao,active Gaz,active,Arf6等G蛋白检测抗体

       武汉纽斯特生物技术有限公司是一家集生物医药产品的研发、生产、销售及技术服务为一体的中外合资企业,公司位于武汉东湖*开发区光谷生物城创新基地, 研发实验室占地面积1500平方米。公司研发团队30余人,其中博士4人,硕士10余人。公司自2006年创办以来,一直致力于生物医药领域高技术含量的产品的研发和销售,并始终站在生物医药领域的Z前沿,以细胞信号转导相关的创新药物筛选试剂盒, 癌症诊断试剂盒, 临床前评价药物对重要靶器官毒性的生物标志物的检测试剂盒以及个性化指导用药检测试剂盒为主要研发方向。公司现已建立起稳定完善的研发技术平台,研发出几十种具有*性的,拥有*自主知识产权的新药筛选试剂盒和癌症诊断试剂盒,并且迅速占领销售市场。公司已建立起活性蛋白质表达和纯化技术平台、结构特异性单克隆抗体和多克隆抗体研发技术平台、癌症分子诊断试剂盒研发技术平台等,具备完善的生产研发和质量控制体系,同时也初步建立起国内外销售网络,并与国内外许多大型的制药企业以及各重点高校科研院所建立了业务联系,逐步建立并形成了产——研——销相结合良性可持续发展的新型经济模式。

    公司目前的经营范围和在研合作项目有:多克隆抗体,单克隆抗体,多肽合成定制服务,cGMP和cAMP单克隆抗体,ELISA试剂盒,癌症早期诊断试剂盒,癌症突变位点检测试剂盒,G 蛋白活性检测试剂盒,各类细胞因子检测试剂盒,小分子检测试剂盒。


Configuration-specific Monoclonal Antibody Based
Gαi Activation Assay Kit
Catalog Number: 80301
20 assays


Product Description
A structurally diverse repertoire of ligands, from photons to large peptides, activates G protein-coupled
receptors (GPCRs) to elicit their physiological functions. Ligand-bound GPCRs, in turn, function as
guanine nucleotide exchange factors catalyzing the exchange of GDP bound on the Gα subunit with
GTP in the presence of Gβγ, causing the dissociation of the Gα subunit from the Gβγ dimer to form
two functional units (Gα and Gβγ). Both Gα and Gβγ subunits signal to various cellular signaling
pathways. Based on the sequence and functional homologies, G proteins are grouped into four families:
Gs, Gi, Gq, and G12.
Gαi family is the largest family of G proteins. They relay signals from many GPCRs to regualte
various biological functions. There were no direct methods to measure the activation of Gαi proteins
by receptors (until this assay kit). Most reports used one of the downstream pathway, i.e. the
inhibition of adenylyl cyclases, as a readout. Alternatively, sensitivity to pertussis toxin (PTX) was
used as an indicator of possible Gαi proteins invovled in a signaling pathway.
NewEast Biosciences Gαi Activation Assay Kit provides a direct measurement of the activation of Gαi
proteins. This is a simple and fast tool to monitor the activation of Gαi. Each kit provides sufficient
quantities to perform 20 assays.
NewEast Biosciences Gαi Activation Assay Kit is based on the monoclonal antibody specifically
recognizing the active GTP-bound Gαi proteins. This monoclonal antibody has much lower affinity
towards the inactive Gαi proteins. Therefore, after activation by receptor signals, active GTP-bound
Gαi proteins could be immunoprecipitated by this monoclonal antibody and further quantified by
western blot with another anti- Gαi antibody.
Assay Principle
NewEast Biosciences Gαi Activation Assay Kit is an immunoprecipitation/western blot assay to
measure the levels of active GTP-bound Gαi proteins, either from cell extracts or from in vitro GTPγS
loaded Gαi proteins. Briefly, the anti-active Gαi monoclonal antibody will specifically bind to active
Gαi protein. This antibody/ Gαi complex will then be pulled down by protein A/G agarose. The
precipitated active Gαi proteins will be detected by immunoblots with another anti-Gαi antibody.





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