

671941 VITlab容量瓶, PP, B级





with screw cap, PP, 100 ml


high wallthickness, 10 ml


with screw cap, -LD, square, 1000 ml


with lid, -LD, raised scale, 1000 ml


163094 环标刻度吸管, PP


64604 量筒, PMP, *, CC


67104 容量瓶, PMP, *


670950 容量瓶,棕色不透光, PMP, *


    主营产品:气相色谱柱,元素空心阴极灯,离子色谱耗材,N3050121铜元素灯,气相色谱耗材,GCMS自动进样针,紫外氘灯, 空心阴极灯,数显电热恒温水浴锅,戴安离子色谱耗材,安捷伦色谱耗材,安捷伦电子流量计,高温石墨电热板, 原装色谱耗材,氘灯,waters色谱柱,戴安淋洗液发生器,戴安色谱柱,石墨管批发,无极放电灯等。


昆山莱柏仪器设备有限公司主营,美国ICPAAGCICPMSFTIR、热脱附配件,耗材,石墨管B3000641,石墨管B0504033,空心阴极灯N3050115N3050117N3050157N3050152、驱动器03030997、过滤器N0775325、滤芯N9306067、同心雾化器00472020、同心雾化器00472022、同心雾化器N0777707、旋流雾化室N0776052、雾化器N0780546、截取锥W1026356、采样锥W1033612、超级截取锥W1033995、调谐液N8145051、基体改进剂B0190635、顶空瓶N9306079、顶空瓶盖B0104242、美国伯乐PCR,T100PCR仪,Labtech电热板EH20BLabtech电热板EH35APLUSLabtech水循环泵SH150-1000Labtech水循环泵SH150-1500, Labtech水循环泵SH150-2100

Gennaro P7工业内窥镜,Gennaro P3工业内窥镜,意大利GNR R3油料光谱仪,意大利GNR直读光谱仪,意大利GNR ElvaX-II台式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪,Bio-rad伯乐T100型梯度PCR仪,NanoDrop one超微量分光光度计,杰纳罗Gennaro P7百万高清工业视频内窥镜, AAnalyst900原子吸收光谱仪,Countstar自动细胞计数仪,镍采样锥和截取锥,淋洗液发生器074532Thermo离子色谱柱064141,064139,干燥剂N0171159,无极放电灯N3050605,安捷伦电子流量计G6691A,阴离子抑制器等仪器配件耗材






容量瓶,棕色不透光, PMP, * with stopr NS 10/19, PP, 10 ml
容量瓶,棕色不透光, PMP, * with stopr NS 10/19, PP, 25 ml
容量瓶,棕色不透光, PMP, * with stopr NS 12/21, PP, 50 ml
容量瓶,棕色不透光, PMP, * with stopr NS 14/23, PP, 100 ml
容量瓶,棕色不透光, PMP, * with stopr NS 19/26, PP, 250 ml
容量瓶,棕色不透光, PMP, * with stopr NS 19/26, PP, 500 ml
容量瓶,棕色不透光, PMP, * with stopr NS 24/29, PP, 1000 ml
容量瓶, PMP, B级 with stopr NS 10/19, PP, 25 ml
容量瓶, PMP, B级 with stopr NS 12/21, PP, 50 ml
容量瓶, PMP, B级 with stopr NS 14/23, PP, 100 ml
容量瓶, PMP, B级 with stopr NS 19/26, PP, 250 ml
容量瓶, PMP, B级 with stopr NS 19/26, PP, 500 ml
容量瓶, PMP, B级 with stopr NS 24/29, PP, 1000 ml
容量瓶, PMP, B级 with stopr NS 10/19, PP, 10 ml
容量瓶, PMP, * with stopr NS 10/19, PP, 25 ml
容量瓶, PMP, * with stopr NS 12/21, PP, 50 ml
容量瓶, PMP, * with stopr NS 14/23, PP, 100 ml
容量瓶, PMP, * with stopr NS 19/26, PP, 250 ml
容量瓶, PMP, * with stopr NS 19/26, PP, 500 ml
容量瓶, PMP, * with stopr NS 24/29, PP, 1000 ml
容量瓶, PMP, * with stopr NS 10/19, PP, 10 ml
容量瓶, PP, B级 with stopr NS 10/19, PP, 25 ml
容量瓶, PP, B级 with stopr NS 12/21, PP, 50 ml
容量瓶, PP, B级 with stopr NS 14/23, PP, 100 ml
容量瓶, PP, B级 with stopr NS 19/26, PP, 250 ml
容量瓶, PP, B级 with stopr NS 19/26, PP, 500 ml
容量瓶, PP, B级 with stopr NS 24/29, PP, 1000 ml
容量瓶, PP, B级 with stopr NS 10/19, PP, 10 ml
量筒, PMP, *, CC tall form, raised scale, 10 ml
量筒, PMP, *, CC tall form, raised scale, 25 ml
量筒, PMP, *, CC tall form, raised scale, 50 ml
量筒, PMP, *, CC tall form, raised scale, 100 ml
量筒, PMP, *, CC tall form, raised scale, 250 ml
量筒, PMP, *, CC tall form, raised scale, 500 ml
量筒, PMP, *, CC tall form, raised scale, 1000 ml
量筒, PMP, *, CC tall form, raised scale, 2000 ml
量筒, PP, B级 tall form, raised scale, 10 ml
量筒, PP, B级 tall form, raised scale, 25 ml
量筒, PP, B级 tall form, raised scale, 50 ml
量筒, PP, B级 tall form, raised scale, 100 ml
量筒, PP, B级 tall form, raised scale, 250 ml
量筒, PP, B级 tall form, raised scale, 500 ml
量筒, PP, B级 tall form, raised scale, 1000 ml
量筒, PP, B级 tall form, raised scale, 2000 ml
环标刻度吸管, PP suction tube outer ? 8 mm, 1 ml
环标刻度吸管, PP suction tube outer ? 8 mm, 2 ml
环标刻度吸管, PP suction tube outer ? 8 mm, 5 ml
环标刻度吸管, PP suction tube outer ? 10 mm, 10 ml
环标刻度吸管, PP suction tube outer ? 8 mm, 10 ml
胖肚吸管, PP 1 mark, 1 ml
胖肚吸管, PP 1 mark, 2 ml
胖肚吸管, PP 1 mark, 5 ml
胖肚吸管, PP 1 mark, 10 ml
胖肚吸管, PP 1 mark, 25 ml
胖肚吸管, PP 1 mark, 50 ml
移液管支架, PP for 94 pittes
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised blue embossed scale, 250 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised blue embossed scale, 500 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised blue embossed scale, 1000 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised blue embossed scale, 2000 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised blue embossed scale, 3000 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised blue embossed scale, 5000 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised blue embossed scale, 50 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised blue embossed scale, 100 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised scale, 250 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised scale, 500 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised scale, 1000 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised scale, 2000 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised scale, 3000 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised scale, 5000 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised scale, 50 ml
有柄带刻度塑料烧杯, PP raised scale, 100 ml
英霍夫锥形管, SAN Imhoff ty, raised scale, 1000 ml
定量吸球, NR 3 valves, universal model, for pittes up to 10 ml
定量吸球, NR 3 valves, universal model, for pittes up to 100 ml
德国vitlab 彩色洗瓶,-LD/PP 红色 GL25 250ml
德国vitlab 彩色洗瓶,-LD/PP 绿色 GL25 250ml
德国vitlab 彩色洗瓶,-LD/PP 黄色 GL25 250ml
德国vitlab 彩色洗瓶,-LD/PP 蓝色 GL25 250ml
德国vitlab 彩色洗瓶,-LD/PP 红色 GL25 500ml
德国vitlab 彩色洗瓶,-LD/PP 绿色 GL25 500ml
德国vitlab 彩色洗瓶,-LD/PP 黄色 GL25 500ml
德国vitlab 彩色洗瓶,-LD/PP 蓝色 GL25 500ml
德国vitlab 洗瓶,-LD GL18 100ml
德国vitlab 洗瓶,-LD GL25 250ml
德国vitlab 洗瓶,-LD GL28 1000ml





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