Sapphire Manual 维修售后Sapphire Manual使用说明书球栅数显表(显示器、计数器)
经销商 湘中量具刃具有限公司(简称:湘量公司)下设湘中刃具有限责任公司和湘中量具有限责任公司,是湖南省*,是中国量具行业Z早的生产厂家之一。*以来一直是国家工量具的重点生产企业和出口基地企业。经过近五十年的发展,现为*较大的卡尺和光栅尺代工企业。
正如公司商标QLR,“质量—Q、生命—L、信誉—R”是我们不懈的追求,我们始终将质量与信誉视作生命。我公司建立了严格的质量保证体系和 可靠的质量管理制度,于1996年通过了ISO9001质量体系认证,并于2004年通过ISO9001:2000版的认证。公司所有产品均严格按照ISO及DIN标准制造 ,质量稳定,精度可靠。
Newall公司在英国本土的生产基地,通过了英标ISO 9001:2000质量认证。
维修售后Sapphire Manual使用说明书球栅数显表(显示器、计数器)在本资料上方(或技术资料中)能下载带图的详细说明书
维修及销售的主要有日本富特巴(FUTEBA)、三丰(Mitutoyo)、英国新和(NEWALL)、万濠(RATional)、怡信(Easson)、信和(Sino)、奥特嘉(oska)、朕衡(Zhen)、硕信(Soin)、必嘉(Bica)、艾莫特(AMOT)、意大利(Givi)等品牌.维修数显表范围:NEWALL球栅数显表维修DP8、E70、B60、Mitutoyo三丰品牌(KACOUNTER、QM-DATA200、KLD-200、EC-100),Rational万濠(WE6800-2、WE6800-3、WE6800E、DC3000),RSF-ELEKTRONIK,FAGOR(20I-M、30I-M),NEWALL新和(B60、E70、DP8),BICA-DRO,POWERN(PE2X、PE3X),HEIDENHAIN海德汉(ND780、ND522、ND523),NIKON尼康(DP-E1、SC2-E1、SC3-E1、QUADRA-CHEK200),CHFOIC(DRO-2M、DRO-3M、DRO-2L、DRO-2G、DRO-3E、JDS100B、DS401SM),SONY索尼(LH51、LH71、LH52、LH72),JENIX韩国东山,SUMTAK-FUTABA(FUTABA-PULSCALE、CMJ200),SINO诺信(SDS6-3V、SDS6-2V、SDS2MS),GSW-3A、GSW-3B、GSW-204、GSW-2B、GSW-2C,SOIN(SI2008-2B、SI2008-3B)维修售后Sapphire Manual使用说明书球栅数显表(显示器、计数器)
Digital Readout Systems Linear Encoders
Troubleshooting Guide for Newall Digital Readout Systems
For Display Models: Sapphire, DP7, DPG, Topaz, DP8, DPG2000, E70
This Troubleshooting Guide is intended for use in conjunction with the applicable user manuals. Please follow the troubleshooting steps below
and call our service department on (+44) (0)116 264 2730 with the results.
Nothing happens when the power switch is turned on (Axis windows are blank)
1. Ensure that the input voltage switch is set to the proper setting (115 / 230). This does not apply to DP7.
2. Check the fuse.
3. Test the input voltage to the display unit with a voltmeter.
4. Turn display off using the power switch.
5. Disconnect all reader head cables. A defective reader head could prevent the display from powering up.
6. Turn display on.
Inaccuracy in one axis
1. Get into “Setup mode” and check the following settings:
a) Linear Compensation - Set to 0 on all axes.
b) Scale Type / Input Type - Set to read the correct scale type (Spherosyn, Microsyn 5, Microsyn 10).
c) Radius / Diameter - Diameter will display a 2:1 ratio. Radius will display a 1:1 ratio.
2. Put a dial indicator on the edge of the reader head. Move the axis. Compare the dial indicator reading to the display reading.
If there is a discrepancy that exceeds our accuracy specifications, proceed to the next step.
3. Take the reader head cable from the malfunctioning axis and plug it into the other axis of the display (You may need to get
into setup mode and ensure that this axis is set up to read the correct type of scale).
4. If the malfunction was corrected when the cable was moved to the other axis, the source of the fault is the display. The
display will need repaired.
5. If the malfunction followed the cable to the other axis, the source of the fault is the reader head and scale assembly. If this is
the case, proceed to the next step.
6. Check for any physical damage to the reader head and cable.
7. Check the reader head for proper alignment. It must be aligned within .002” on each side. Refer to the installation manual
for instructions on reader head alignment.
8. Check the scale to make sure there is no binding on the scale. If the scale brackets are slightly loosened, you should be able
to slide the scale back and forth through the brackets with minimal resistance.
9. If you have a Spherosyn scale, ensure that the scale is not bent. Remove the scale and roll it on a flat surface. If the scale is
bent at all, it will cause inaccuracies. Replace scale if bent.
10. If there is no binding on the scale, the reader head is aligned, and the scale is not bent, the malfunction must be coming from
the reader head. Replace the reader head.
Display shows “Signal Fail” or “No Signal” in one axis
1. Turn off display.
2. Take the reader head cable from the malfunctioning axis and plug it into the other axis of the display.
3. Turn display on.
4. If the scale works properly when connected to the other axis of the display, the source of the fault is the display. The display
will need repaired. Note: You may need to get into setup mode and adjust the scale type, radius / diameter, and linear
compensation (set to 0) parameters to get accurate readings. The main goal in this step is to identify the source of the signal
fail / no signal error.
5. If the malfunction followed the scale cable to the other axis of the display, the source of the fault is the reader head. Replace
the reader head.
Note: Signal Fail or No Signal errors can NOT be caused by incorrect parameter settings.