Visikol HISTO Visiko 3D组织透明化试剂现货
代理商世联博研(北京)科技有限公司(Bio Excellence International Tech Co.,Ltd)简称为世联博研。世联博研是一家集进口科研仪器代理销售以及实验技术服务于一体的技术公司。世联博研专注生物力学和3D生物打印前沿科研设备代理销售及科研实验项目合作服务,内容涵盖了血管力学生物学、生物力学建模仿真与应用、细胞分子生物力学、组织修复生物力学、骨与关节生物力学、口腔力学生物学、眼耳鼻咽喉生物力学、康复工程生物力学、生物材料力学与仿生学、人体运动生物力学等生物力学研究以及生物材料打印、打印样品生物力学性能测试分析的前沿领域科研利器和科研服务。
Visiko 3D组织透明化试剂现货,Visikol HISTO-M,Visikol® TOX,Visikol HISTO-M,3D透明化成像
我们开发了一套产品,为研究人员提供了从未有的组织视图,以增强其特性。使得研究人员能够在3D中对组织进行标记和成像,以获得完整的特征。我们认为我们的产品是革命性的,因为它们允许研究人员将生物成像的范式从传统的2D组织学方法转变为3D方法。在下面,您可以看到我们的产品类别,包括用于全动物组织的组织透明化试剂和试剂盒(Visikol HITO)、3D细胞培养模型,如器官样、球状体和微问题(Visikol HITO-M)、发育和生殖毒理学研究(Visikol TOX)和植物生物学(Visikol for Plant Biology)。
一种专为高通量自动化分析中的3D细胞培养模型(如器官样细胞、球体、微滴)设计的Visikol HISTO试剂。Visikol HITO-M技术允许完整的3D细胞培养表征,而不是目前仅偏向于外围表征的分析。
一种专门设计用于胎儿骨骼评估的发育和生殖毒理学研究的组织透明化技术。Visikol TOX将这些研究中的骨骼处理时间减少了高达90%,并用非破坏性方法取代了当前基于消化的过程。
一种组织透明化技术,设计用于植物样品的显微质量控制。Visikol for Plant Biology通常被用来替代Hertwig的解决方案,该解决方案以前用于此目的,是一种DEA控制的物质。
A rapid, easy-to-use, affordable and reversible tissue clearing technique for whole tissues. Easily pair fluorescent protein and/or immunofluorescent labeling with tissue clearing for whole tissue (e.g. mouse brain, tumor) imaging using confocal, light sheet or 2-photon microscopy.
A Visikol HISTO reagent designed specifically for use with 3D cell culture models (e.g. organoids, spheroids, microtissues) in high throughput automated assays. The Visikol HISTO-M technology allows for complete 3D cell culture characterization instead of current assays that are biased towards only peripheral characterization.
A tissue clearing technique designed specifically for use in developmental and reproductive toxicology studies for fetal skeletal evaluation. Visikol TOX reduces skeletal processing time in these studies by up to 90% and replaces the current digestion-based process with a non-destructive approach.
A tissue clearing technique designed for use with plant samples for microscopic quality control. Visikol for Plant Biology is commonly used as a replacement for Hertwig’s solution which was previously used for this purpose and is a DEA controlled substance.
Our Digital DART™ system combines our Clara™ Optical CT scanner with sample automation, machine learning assisted analysis and tissue clearing to visualize large tissues such as a whole mouse skeleton in 3D. Optical CT provides the ability to image samples too large for a light sheet microscope and enables the automated evaluation of fetal skeletons for defects for use in DART studies.