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2016-03-23 15:51:36





精密直流光电高温计(线性高温计)用于非接触测量高温,现被计量院采用做为高温校准设备.由德国KE Technologie GmbH研发生产,我们公司是KE Technologie GmbH中国代理商,负责生产销售和设备维护,现已有多台设备装备各大计量院.需要了解产品的详细指标请.


精密直流光电高温计(线性高温计)用于非接触测量高温,现被计量院采用做为高温校准设备.由德国KE Technologie GmbH研发生产,我们公司是KE Technologie GmbH中国代理商,负责生产销售和设备维护,现已有多台设备装备各大计量院.需要了解产品的详细指标请.





History: Linearpyrometer LP2

The ancestor of the radiation thermometer types ‘Linearpyrometer’, which are available

today, was the Linearpyrometer LP2. This radiation thermometer was developed at IKE,

Stuttgart, in cooperation with Dr. Kunz of PTB Germany. Even the first LP2 with silicon

photodiode (August 1981) had the three decisive design principles which were responsible for

the technological advance of the Linearpyrometer: the ‘Lyot’ stop, the collimation system for

the filter and the partially illuminated photodiode. These design principles led to an excellent

Size-Of-Source Effect, best application of the filters, and optimum linearity. The design

principles were re-discovered also by other scientists and have been published just in the

recent years.

Properties common to all types

Due to the outstanding success of the optical design of the LP2, it is continuously applied to

this day. The optical principle and size of the LP3, LP4 and LP5 instruments is the same, but

the interference filter system and the electronics is different. An important advance with the

LP3 was the development of a compact AD-conversion system for the photocurrent with a

resolution in the ppm-range.

An almost perfect solution for the front lens is the Apochromate f143, which shows an

extremely low dependency of the focal length on the wavelength. A focus adjustment done at

visible wavelengths is valid also in the infrared at 1600nm. Since this apochromate has only 2

glass-air surfaces, the Size-Of-Source Effect (SSE) is drastically improved compared to a

double-achromate lens system or an achromate which uses calcium fluoride as one optical


Linearpyrometer LP3

The LP3 is equipped with two manually operated filter wheels. Each wheel has six places for

different interference, glass, or neutral density filters.

With the LP3, the exchange of the measurement field stop and aperture is relatively simple.

This enables its flexible adaptation to a wide range of experimental situations, such as very

small targets, extremely narrow


Linearpyrometer LP4

The LP4 has one filter wheel with 6 places for filters, which is operated with a stepping

motor. Excellent reproducibility of the filter position is obtained with a special snap-on

mechanism for the filter wheel. The filter wheel box as well as the complete detection system

is temperature stabilised, and thermal drift is minimised.

The main advantage of the LP4 is that it can be fully remote-operated for automated

calibration systems. The LP4 has a built-in distance sensor which enables the compensation of

the distance effect of the radiation thermometer.


Linearpyrometer LP5

For international intercomparision there is an increasing demand to exchange radiation

thermometers between metrological institutes. For this purpose the LP5 was developed, which

is more compact than the LP3 and LP4 (size of LP5 : 138 • 480 • 120 mm). To obtain

optimum stability with transport, the LP5 system contains no moveable parts.

The working distance to the target is - in normal cases - fixed, but it can be adjusted between

0.6 m and infinity. A special LP5 version is available which enables focus adjustment without

opening the case of the instrument. Since the distance dependency (up to1.5% of signal) is not

compensated, a recalibration can be necessary after the working distance was changed. The

front lens is inside the outer case, so that the front lens is protected well against contamination

with dust. An additional stop at the outer case improves SSE and dust protection furthermore.

The LP5 has no filter wheel(s). Two filters can be mounted sequentially in the optical path, so

that double interference filters or combinations of protection or neutral density filters with

wavelength filters can be applied. Both filters are replaceable to enable the spectral calibration

outside the LP5. The aperture stop is mounted on the filter holder, so that a congruent aperture

during spectral calibration and subsequent measurement inside the LP5 can be achieved. In

combination with a reproducible mechanical mounting, a reliable spectral calibration can be


For the measurement of thermophysical properties with e.g. laser-flash techniques, a fast

version of LP5 is available which allows 1000 measurements/s with a guaranteed settling time

of 3ms. The signal resolution is equal to the standard speed (5 measurements/s).

The complete system, i.e. optics, filters, detector, and the signal electronics, is temperaturestabilised.

The LP5 has therefore the best long-term stability of the Linearpyrometer types.


The LP4 will be applied if more than one measurement wavelength is required. The LP5 is the

best solution for metrological application due to its superior stability and accuracy.

KE Technologie GmbH


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