ATAT1, GST-tag Recombinant
面议ATF2, GST-Tag Recombinant
面议GCN5 (727-837), His-tag Recombinant
面议GCN5 (KAT2A), FLAG-tag Recombinant
面议p300 (KAT3B), His-GST-tag Recombinant
面议ACHE, His-Tag Recombinant
面议APAF1, His-tag, FLAG-tag Recombinant
面议BCL-2, His-Tag Recombinant
面议BCL2A1, His-Tag Recombinant
面议BCL2L10, His-Tag Recombinant
面议Caspase6, His-tag Recombinant
面议Caspase7, His-tag Recombinant
面议Recombinant human protein kinase ABL1 (variant b) encompassing amino acids 248-531 that correspond to the kinase domain. In this construct the N-terminal end of the protein contains a His-tag (6xHis) followed by an optimal TEV protease target sequence that allows cleavage of the His-tag (TEV: tobacco etch virus cysteine protease BPS Bioscience #50308). The protein was affinity purified.
This product has been cited 1 time.