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MCE 国际站:MCE Bioactive Compound Library
A unique collection of 20868 bioactive compounds including natural products, enzyme inhibitors, receptor ligands, and drugs for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS).
Description & Advantages:
• A unique collection of 20868 bioactive compounds including natural products, enzyme inhibitors, receptor ligands, and drugs for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS).
• Bioactivity and safety confirmed by preclinical research and clinical trials. Some have been approved by FDA.
• Widely used in the research focus areas such as Cancer, Stem Cell, Neuronal Signaling, Immunity, and more.
• Structurally diverse, medicinally active, and cell permeable.
• More detailed compound information with structure, IC50, and other chemical & biological data.
• NMR and HPLC validated to ensure high purity and quality.
• All compounds are in stock and continuously updated.